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  1. Are You REALLY FREE?! Find out!

    On the occasion of India's 75th Independence Gurudev talks about the real meaning of freedom, of independence!     Do watch these interesting videos: The Mahakali devi is not scary but the most compassionate Karma and Recarnation The Ancient city of ...
  2. Only Way To Handle The Ego! | Gurudev

    We've been a victim of our ego popping up and getting us into trouble, whether in our professional life or our personal lives. In this wisdom talk by Gurudev, he reveals the only way we can successfully handle our ego. This is a must watch video!   ...
  3. 11 quotes on positive attitude by Gurudev

    A strong mind can carry around a weak body, but a weak mind cannot carry even a strong body. Here are some beautiful tips by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to maintain the positive attitude that will help you keep a peaceful state of mind.!1. Rigid attitude ...
  4. Live in the present quotes by Gurudev

    One very beautiful thing that we can remind ourselves again and again is kshama (functioning in the now).  Kshama means utter peace from inside and mental centeredness. It is saying, "Come what may, this wealth of mine (peace) will never go, this is ...
  5. Gurudev's short quotes about happiness

    Happiness is when you want nothing, and you want to give.Where the wanting & desires end,and the sharing begins, happiness is exactly there.!1. Happiness is a state of mind. When the mind is free of past regrets and future cravings, you are naturally ...
  6. 8 quotes about friendship by Gurudev

    Do you know what is the sign of a good friend? There is a criteria to judge if someone is a real friend or not. Do you know it? When you go to a friend with a problem and if you walk away from them feeling lighter, then they are a good friend. If you go b ...
  7. 9 Relationship Tips for Youngsters

    A relationship is a brittle bond that can break off easily when not nurtured from time to time. There is no value to human life without connections, and which is why we are the most social beings in the world.  Starting from teenager to the age of about 4 ...
  8. Ways to get rid of painful memories, shackles of the mind, and fear

      This talk is an excerpt from the event at the Nu Boyana Film Studios in Sofia, Bulgaria. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares four powerful mantras to move on from painful memories and ways to overcome the shackles of the mind and fear.     Four ways to ...
  9. 7 Reasons Why Financial Literacy is Important for the Youth

    “Financial literacy is such an important thing for kids to understand at a young age. Otherwise, you’ve got kids who get out of high school and are swarmed with pre-approved credit card offers and other things, and the next thing they know they are in tro ...
  10. Secret To MANIFEST Your DESIRES & Get What YOU Really WANT!

    We all want our wishes, dreams and desires to come to life! Many have written and spoken about the secret to manifesting your desires, the law of attraction and much more. But is that how desires actually work. Will you actually "attract" the th ...