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  1. How you can detox yourself with Ayurvedic treatments after a crackling Diwali

    The mirage of an explosion of stars in the multihued sky, the ear-splitting sounds of celebration renting through the air, the auspicious scents of poojas, the glitter and dazzle of finery all around you not to mention the rich aromas of sweets and snacks ...
  2. How to make the perfect Ayurvedic Kadha for better immunity

    Remember the times you were unwell as a child? At the first signs of a cold or fever, a child in many Indian households was asked to drink a warm concoction of herbs, or a glass of turmeric milk. Perhaps many of us have these memories, coupled with pleas ...
  3. The wonderful health benefits & medicinal uses of neem bark, powder, leaves, oil

    You have added it in festival pachadis (side dishes made of sundry ingredients that are pounded together) and rasam (tamarind-based soup-like dish eaten with rice). Or dabbed the oil on your skin to get rid of acne. You might have found its dried leaves i ...
  4. Everything you need to know about ragi, the superfood with easy recipes to add to your kitchen menu

    Whole grains have made a huge comeback in recent times, given the growing awareness and increased movement towards ‘eating healthy’. People have begun to spurn refined, and processed food, preferring unpolished cereals and millets- like ragi. What is ragi ...
  5. Ayurveda For Building Immunity Against Covid-19: 6 Useful Tips

    By Anuradha Gupta | Posted: March 09, 2020 Did you know Ayurveda holds simple secrets to boosting your immunity?  During a time when Covid cases in India are at an all-time high and the double-mutated and triple-mutated virus strains continue to spread in ...
  6. Ayurveda, yoga & pranayamas to boost your immunity against COVID-19

    How can you prevent getting Covid-19 or coronavirus? Is there anything you can do to boost your immunity and lower your chances of getting it? Let's learn all about the virus that has caused an uncontrollable pandemic worldwide and how we can protect ...
  7. Kapha-pacifying exercise for the kind, steady soul

    Ayurveda and exercise- part 4 Kind, detailed, relaxed, and loyal. These are only a few qualities of somebody with a predominantly ‘ kapha personality. Some people might tease them for being slow, or too set in their ways, but when kapha people are in bala ...
  8. Vata pacifying exercises for the vibrant one

    Ayurveda and exercise- part 2 “Excuse me if I seem a little low energy tonight — today — whatever this is. I slept with my head to the North last night. Oh man! Oh man! You know how that is, right kids? Woke up right in the middle of pitta and couldn’t ge ...
  9. 9 Solutions to stop grey hair naturally

    No amount of plucking will make it go away. No amount of brushing will completely hide it. A windy day makes you conscious and tense. You can only look in the mirror once you’ve dyed it! Welcome to the growing number of people with early attainment of wis ...
  10. 4 Ayurvedic Detox Tea Recipes To Flush Out Toxins Naturally

    In this fast-paced world, our body gets exposed to various sources of toxins. From polluted air to contaminant in packaged food, we accumulate toxins from every corner. Even negative emotions like stress, anxiety, anger, and sadness induce toxins in the b ...