
Search results

  1. Home remedies for Sleep or insomnia

    In our 24/7 society, far too many people see sleep as a luxury rather than a necessity! According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30% to 40% of adults say they have occasional insomnia, and 10% to 15% people say they have trouble sleeping all the time. ...
  2. Cereals | Pulses | Vegetables | Fruits

    Cereals | Pulses | Vegetables | Fruits | Nuts | Spices | Milk & Milk Products | Sweeteners | Miscellaneous Picture Food Stuff Element & its Proportion Taste Effect on Constitution Some Facts Wheat Water (2) Earth  (2) Sweet Decreases Vatta, Pitta  ...
  3. Creating modern-day healers

    A doctor’s most precious possession is a degree, but for 20- something Shubhangi, an ayurvedic doctor in the making, it’s the degree in human values that matters. This asset earned at the Sri Sri Center for Ayurveda and Research, is what she believes sets ...
  4. Art of Living and Ayurveda

    “Health is not mere absence of disease. It is the dynamic expression of life.”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Welcome to Sri Sri Ayurveda Sri Sri Ayurveda combines the ancient philosophy and practice of Ayurveda with the complete practices offered by Gurud ...
  5. Ayurveda Cooking

    Prana Pranbhrutamnnam Tadayuktaya Nihanntyasun, Visham Pranaharam Tachcha Yukti Yuktam Rasayanam... (Ayu is life and Veda means knowledge. Knowledge of Life is Ayurveda) Everything absorbed by five senses like Mouth (food, water), Nose (Breath), Ear (Chan ...
  6. Gurudev on Ayurveda

    A fresh breath of Ayurveda One of the acharyas of Ayurveda has said, ‘‘Rase sidhe karishyami nirdaridryam idam jagath" which means ‘‘I am giving this knowledge of Ayurveda to take away suffering from the world’’. Life has four characteristics: it exi ...
  7. Ayurveda therapy centers

    Sri Sri Ayurveda centers are spread across the globe. The main headquarters are located across Bangalore, India; Montreal, Canada; and Bad Antogast/Oppenau, Germany. Centers are also established in London, Hamburg and Taraska, Poland. Indian headquarters: ...
  8. SK9

    We practise Sudarshan Kriya everyday. It serves as a wonderful entry into our meditation and gives us an ever increasing awareness of how to live in the present moment. ...
  9. SK8

    Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayamas together have helped me a lot to increase my stamina thereby helping me to increase my physical activities. ...
  10. SK7

    After practicing Sudarshan Kriya regularly for last two years, I have found that my anger against my parents is gone and I am much more at peace with them and with myself. I am now much more sensitive to the people around me. ...