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  1. You are awesome! How does one eliminate procrastination?

    I will give this answer next year (Laughter). Just imagine, you have given a tailor a garment to stitch for Diwali, or maybe your wedding. Now you go a week before your wedding to the tailor, hoping it will all be ready, and the tailor procrast ...
  2. What exactly is meant by forgiveness? I am trying to forgive someone but I feel like I am not able to do it a 100%. I am wasting lots of time and energy on it, but I can't stop thinking about it. What should I do to truly forgive and move on?

    Just forget the whole business of forgiving. I think you have too much free time. Come to the kitchen and wash the dishes there. If that is too light a seva, go up and down the stairs about ten times. When you are physically exhausted, your mind will stop ...
  3. How do I get rid of my fear? I have fear for everything. Everything is scary. Fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of death, fear of flying. Everything! Please help.

    Fear is simply an emotion or a sensation in the body. There is no need to associate or attach it to different things. When you start observing those patterns, those energies that happen in you, you will see that fear, love and hatred all happen in one ...
  4. Dear Guruji, I know that you love me, but I don't love myself. I wish I was more comfortable within myself and with others around me. What to do?

    You are doing the right thing; Advanced Meditation Course. That is the first thing we do in the course, praise yourself and praise your partner. Didn’t you do that? Do that sincerely. Don't think that this is just another exercise and they are just asking ...
  5. Where does this resistance come from?

    Some sort of insecurity, some sort of uneasiness, or memory of the past. So when you notice the resistance, take a determination to move through it. See, the worst thing is when you don’t notice and recognize the resistance. Once you have noticed and recog ...
  6. Gurudev, you say that meditation brightens our destiny. How is it possible?

    Meditation makes your vibrations positive. The more positive your vibrations are the more luck there is in your life. It is natural. ...
  7. I have been posted in India to look after a business, however I am not very comfortable living in India. What should I do?

    Sometimes, we don’t like things, but if it is a profession, you may have to do it. Don’t go with the mind because the mind sometimes likes and sometimes does not like doing things. If you keep doing your practices, meditation, satsang and service, you can ...
  8. Dear Guruji, I am so successful in business but a disaster in personal life. What should I do?

    First of all, remove this label from you, ‘I am a disaster’. If you have realized that you have committed disaster in the past, then you are already moving in the right direction. The disaster is when you don’t realize that you are a disaster. When you hav ...
  9. Gurudev, what to do if it is the tendency of my mind to step into negativity? It is a pattern for me. I want to be free and more positive. I am very weak at the moment.

    Who said you are weak? You are the sun, how can you be weak? Come on, wake up! Don’t label yourself as weak. It is like a lion putting a sticker on its head saying I am a lamb, nobody will believe that. A lion goes around saying, ‘I am a lamb, I am a ...