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  1. I was thinking that my destiny is to give people joy through music, through singing so that they become more uplifted.

    Life is incomplete without music but music is not everything in life. So, music is one thing. You have other things to do in life. Do that. But, among all these things, the first is wisdom. Wisdom is very important. Spiritual knowledge is very important. ...
  2. How to prepare the mind and heart to get a Divine child?

    Be like a child. Be like a baby. No inhibition, prejudice. Be simple, natural. That is it! ...
  3. Whenever I come to ashram, I don’t inform my people at home. I also tell lies and make excuses at college to be here. I am handling these things skillfully; however, at times I get fed up of telling these lies.

    No, you should not tell lies. See, you don’t have to keep coming here again and again. Wherever you are, keep doing your meditation every day. You are anyways able to see me every day. Even now, this satsang is being webcasted and lakhs of people all over ...
  4. I want to stay at the Ashram. I feel I have taken care of my responsibilities and now I want to do sadhana, satsang and seva at the ashram. My relatives and in-laws are opposing my decision to join the ashram.

    Do you know the whole world is my ashram! Wherever you stay will be an ashram. Moreover, I don’t stay in one place, I keep traveling. I have come here after two months and I will be here for two weeks only. I keep going and coming and going again.
  5. In this world of stress, violence and corruption, what is your message for youths starting out in business?

    We must know that not the whole world is corrupt. There are a few people who indulge in corruption.We must also remember that corruption begins where the sense of belongingness ends. This is what we should note. Nobody can do corrupt practices with ...
  6. Earlier we had a very interesting discussion around ‘redefining the self interest’. Could you once again say something about that.

    Yes, self interest is very important. On a long term basis, you need to know that if you go about doing things in unethical ways for short term gains, then you are putting yourself into a risk of long term disaster. Then you are not doing it in self intere ...
  7. Can people diagnosed with bipolar condition do Sudarshan Kriya or the Silence Course?

    I don’t advice them to attend the Silence Course, but they can attend the Basic Course and do everything except Sudarshan Kriya. Simple meditation, pranayam and some yoga is very good for them. They should do Sri Sri Yoga
  8. What are the effects of Gambling and what does it do to the mind?

    We should learn the lesson from the Mahabharata war. ...
  9. Please give us three messages for the people of Udaipur.

    Thousands of you have come here today. All of you should become volunteers and do some service. At least give two hours in two weeks for serving the society. Every Sunday morning from 9am to 11am, all of you come together and clean the city, plant tre ...
  10. How does it feel to come here to Pakistan?

    It is completely different now. I have interacted with the youth and I find the same enthusiasm and the same sense of belongingness like the youth in India. All the people here, you are all educated and I do not find any sort of close mindedness at all. ...