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  1. A few days ago you were talking about sattva, that water is the best transmitter. Is there a way to measure the sattva energy level?

    There should be some way to measure the energy levels. One of our Art of Living teachers is also a scientist. He developed a device for measuring the energy vibrations. He would measure on a person before and after meditation and he would find that th ...
  2. What to do with my money? Can you give me some advice?

    You are living in a world which is complex. In some way or another, you are dependent on something in the world. You cannot insulate yourself so totally. Now see, Germany changed its currency from the Deutsche Mark to the Euro. You could not say, ‘no, ...
  3. Gurudev, were you mischievous during your childhood days?

    Yes, very much! I was very mischievous. When I was a kid, I emptied my father's brief case and stuffed all the toys into it. When he went to office and opened the briefcase during the board meeting, all the toys popped up. He was very embarrassed. But ...
  4. Gurudev, can we get a bhajans CD in your voice?

    I don’t want to dominate everything. There are great musicians who sing so well. I want you to listen to their voice. I do just So Hum and for the rest you listen to the musicians. Of course talks and discourses are also there. Otherwise it ...
  5. Gurudev, what is your goal?

    My goal is to see an undying smile on your face. I want to see a violence-free society filled with devotion. ...
  6. Tomorrow the Teacher’s Training Course is going to start. Could you please say something about becoming a teacher?

    Being a teacher is a very noble job that you are going to get into. I am sure you will enjoy it. It is a life transforming experience. ...
  7. Your advice is that we pick out and vote for an honest candidate. What should we do if all the candidates are corrupt?

    That is why I want a revision of the electoral system also. Our electoral system allows for a candidate to win an election with just eleven percent votes, which means eighty percent public has voted for other candidates. We need to change the electoral pro ...
  8. It feels as though this is the battle of dharma in the present era. On the one hand there are the five Paandavas: Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi, Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan and Manish Sisodia. On the other side are the hundred Kauravs. We all know that in this battle also, you have played the role of Krishna. Guruji, will the truth prevail in this battle also, and for how long?

    It has happened already. Tomorrow at 10:00am Annaji will break his fast. The parliament has already given their voice vote today. Annaji, and the whole world wanted implementation of the three points: Lokaayukta should be established in all states, lower l ...
  9. Is it possible to become like a child again and to rekindle that positive vibration around us?

    It is possible. The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us. Are you aware that sometimes for no reasons you feel li ...
  10. I see lots of people around me, I do not why they have come here. And for what? it goes beyond me, even I am sitting here I have no clue why I am here, Is it because of some hollowness within me

    This is more a wonder then a question, I leave that wonder with you, Life should be full of wonders and it’s good to wonder, why is there so much beauty. You know we often question in misery. We wonder at the beauty in the world. Every wonder is nothing bu ...