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  1. Gurudev, I am not able to accept myself as I am. When I see someone else, I feel that other is better than me and that makes me feel low. How do I handle this?

    See Life from a bigger picture. There are so many people who are better than you today. And there are millions more who will come and who will be better than you. What are you going to do? Why do you compare? God loves everybody and you are ...
  2. Gurudev, how to handle emotions? Even when doing sadhna and seva, sometimes negative emotions come up and disturb me a lot. I am unable to find a solution.

    Have you notice that it is already much lesser than before? (Answer: Yes, substantiality less, around 60%) That is a good thing. Does it give you hope that it will become lesser and lesser as you continue? That is your answer! ...
  3. Gurudev, everything is fine with women, except that they tend to experience more jealousy when compared to men. Why is that?

    I also do not know why it happens. I don't want to generalize in this manner. Nowadays, there is a lot of jealousy among men also, and many women are able to handle many situations very even mindedly, and are able to let-go easily. May be it is becaus ...
  4. Gurudev, it is said that taking a deep breath in when we are angry reduces our anger level. Please suggest a way to remember that when we get angry.

    There is a saying, ‘Yudh kale shastra abhyaas'. If you walk into the battle field, and then you decide to learn archery, by then you will already have been shot by ten arrows. Go on doing sadhana, and your anger level will automatically decrease. The ...
  5. I have so much anger that it is ruining my life. I learnt the Sudarshan Kriya 3 days ago. I remain calm for a few hours after the Kriya, but I don't know what happens after that. I fight with my husband unnecessarily. I feel like committing suicide.

    Don't worry, continue your practice. Everything will be fine. The problem doesn't end after committing suicide. Whenever you get such thoughts, think that you have to take Guruji's permission before taking any such step. ...
  6. Guruji love should be fearless yet why does one experience fear in love?

    Yeah because fear is love upside down. If you do the Advanced course, you will get all these answers. What are these three emotions, love, fear and hatred, how they are all formed of one energy, and how you can turn fear and hatred into love. ...
  7. How to get rid of hurt and anger?

    Do Sudarshan Kriya, breathe, sing, meditate. There is no point in brooding. Move on in life. Don’t waste today for what happened yesterday. Wake up and say, “I have the valor and the courage to overcome this.” With someone else’s anger, you must play all y ...
  8. How does one deal with the loss of a loved one?

    When a dear one is lost, just bear it. Be with that moment. Let time take you out of it. There is no “dealing” with this. Just be in the knowledge. ...
  9. What causes anger?

    Your desire for perfection is the cause of anger. Leave room for imperfection. Perfection in action is almost impossible. Only 95 percent perfection is possible in action. Though, perfection in speech and mind is 100 percent possible. ...
  10. How does one get over past childhood problems?

    It’s already gone. If you think it is still in the mind, then rub it off. De-link the pain from the memory. But if you put effort in trying to do that, you bring the memory back. However, in meditation you feel the pain as a sensation and not as connected ...