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  1. 2-minute desk exercises to keep you going through the day

    Sitting hunched over your laptop all day long? Feeling tired, sleepy and unproductive? Stuck in a long meeting? These simple 2 minutes desk exercises are all you need. These are simple office chair exercises that allow your body to relax and stretch. Stre ...
  2. How to be more compassionate in 6 easy ways

    Compassion is one of the subtle yet profound feelings in the world. This simple human emotion springs out of love and each one of us is born with it. Whether you smile at people with kindness or accept yourself at the end of a bad day, it is a sign of com ...
  3. The Importance of a Guru on the Path of Yoga

    "Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. The blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga." ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The saints and sages of ancient times evolved and perfected over centuries a system of self ...
  4. Anti-aging yoga tips to feel younger

    Aging is an inevitable natural happening. For the curious ones who want to know how to stay young, consider the practice of yoga, meditation, and ayurveda. These are the natural ways to maintain the health of the body. Here are some anti-aging tips from t ...
  5. How To Boost Your Metabolism: Yoga Asanas, Pranayamas & More

    Weight loss for some can be fun, and for some a complete nightmare. While some may hit the gym to lose those extra pounds, others may resort to crash dieting and weight loss pills. The urge to lose weight can actually end up doing more harm than good. Whi ...
  6. Start on a yoga diet with these easy 5 steps

    Kartik, 30, is a software engineer by profession and a photographer by hobby. His average week comprises of a 45-50 hours’ work schedule. Although he is a fitness enthusiast, his hectic schedule leaves very less time for him to keep his body in shape. Due ...
  7. Sukshma Yoga: The 7- minute relaxation exercise

    Are there days when you want to pull your hair apart, grind your teeth, and tighten your fist? Well, tighten your fist more. In fact, tighten your whole body. Breathe out, squeeze your stomach in, frown and purse your lips together. And now, let go with a ...
  8. Yoga & Relationships: Stretching Toward Commitment

    It is a few minutes past 5 a.m., the beginning of my daily yoga practice. My right leg is lunging forward, the right foot pointing to the front. My left leg is placed straight and solid behind me. I breathe in and raise my arms, stretching them slowly out ...
  9. Win over bad breath with yoga and pranayama

    Is bad breath the culprit behind your low confidence, poor social life, and hesitation to speak? Clinically known as Halitosis, bad breath is a common occurrence among people everywhere. Stressful lifestyles, along with hectic work schedules disturb the b ...
  10. 7 Tips to Improve Your Golf Experience

    The sheer love of conquering the vast green expanse with a couple of clubs and a passionate precision makes many of us give up the comfort of staying indoors on a cozy afternoon and head out to our local golf course for a game or two. The game of golf is ...