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  1. Adoption of Yoga Way of Life Should Be A Corporate Policy- Part 2

    Continued from Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda Saraswati said: 'Yoga is a process of education leading to inner discipline, inner clarity and inner strength. With st ...
  2. Adoption of Yoga Way of Life Should Be A Corporate Policy

    The top management of any corporate is always concerned about improving the employees’ performance. Over several years, management researchers have chalked out different means and methods to identify the factors that influence performance. It has been see ...
  3. Yoga Rave: Partying with Yoga

    Over 1,200 people, performed yoga, meditated and swayed to the electronic beats of bhajans (devotional songs) on April 30, 2011. The success of Yoga Rave continues, as the party returned to the city of its origin, Buenos Aires. The four-hour long, non-alc ...
  4. Yoga in Office

    Doing yoga in the office can be fun, innovative and relaxing with many long term benefits. Prolonged work on the computer strains the neck, shoulder and back muscles, which leads to tension and stiffness. Unless attended to properly, it could impact your ...
  5. How chanting deepens your yoga practice

    “The purpose of yoga is not only to keep good physical shape but also to experience infinity. Each posture should be done keeping in mind that the goal of the posture is not just the correctness of the posture,but also to experience infinity. This starts ...
  6. Yoga At the Olympics: Welcome Move

    Like any competitive sport such as gymnastics, yoga postures need grace, style, balance and flexibility. Yet yoga has something deeper to offer. To many it is a spiritual practice, a pathway to a more profound understanding of life. Dinesh Kashikar, senio ...
  7. Art of Yoga: Slow and Steady Yoga Postures Win the Race

    A few tips by senior Sri Sri Yoga teachers on learning the ‘art’ of yoga asanas or postures. Remember the first time you started practicing your favorite hobby – photography, music, dance, anything. At first, there was a struggle, an effort to get things ...
  8. 8 Tips to Improve Your Yoga Practice

    Yoga is a divine discipline. Although it has its root in India’s ancient tradition, yoga is more relevant in today’s modern stressful life. Yoga is now a globalized phenomenon and the knowledge of yoga is easily available to each one of us. It is importan ...