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  1. 8 Reasons Why You Need To Do Yoga

    If you haven’t been living under a rock all your life, chances are that you have heard about world’s first ever International Day of Yoga! If you are amongst those who have always seen yoga as a way of twisting and bending the body in painful poses, it’s ...
  2. A brief history of yoga: Through the ages

    Wherever you go today, you hear people talking about the multiple benefits of yoga and attesting to its indispensability in daily life. It is no surprise, considering the significance of yoga in the resolution of physical and mental problems all over the ...
  3. The Science behind Yoga

    Yoga is a spiritual discipline dating back to some 5000 years in the history of Indian philosophy, its purpose, mainly to unleash spiritual and mental powers of an individual. However, in recent times yoga has been extremely popular in the context of figh ...
  4. The Science behind Stretching

    Stretching has been an integral part of yoga and also exaltation to the yogis. However, it has invoked several questions among its practitioners, scientists and skeptics. Modern science has nevertheless deciphered the technical know-how behind all the twi ...
  5. 7 Yoga Asanas to Swim Better

    Swimming is perhaps the only full-body workout activity that helps you burn calories without sweating. Not only does it involve well-coordinated use of upper and lower limbs, but also requires on good breathing capability. Whether you swim for pleasure or ...
  6. Why yoga is good for you

    Life is a challenge of sorts Yoga gives you a smile to thwart Problems, struggles and snags Yes! Yoga removes lag and drags Life is a combination of ups and downs Yoga gears you to play the clown With great health and positive mind Yep! Yoga gives fitness ...
  7. Mind-Blowing Yoga Facts

    Do you wish to live a life where anxiety stays at bay and you are able to smile even through tough days? All this is very much possible when you say yes to Yoga. The best of life are just an effort away when you resolve to work to be your active self, abs ...
  8. The Ultimate Guide for Yoga at Home

    Do you wish to add some more hours to your day? Do you wish to stay in shape? Do you dream to have a skin that glows, eyes that shine and have an unwavering smile? “Yes! Yes! Yes! It’s a yes to all this and more!” Ah! More! The word ‘more’ shows your enth ...
  9. Build your strength with yoga with these secrets

    Usually the stereotypical and initial images that come to mind when one think of yoga poses is a yogi twisted like a pretzel or bending forward effortlessly touching their toes. As a result, many beginners falsely believe that in order to practice yoga th ...