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Intuitive decision-making in business & management
Did you know that before independence, entrepreneurial activity in India was confined to particular traditional business communities like the Marwaris and Banias? The factors that enabled these entrepreneurs to carry on their businesses included intuition ... -
3 Yoga routines to practice before Sudarshan Kriya
Sudarshan Kriya is a compact powerful breathing technique that has immense benefits by itself. Yet, certain yoga routines can enrich your Sudarshan Kriya experience. These yoga routines increase blood circulation and open up subtle energy channels and cen ... -
99 Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya
I always keep hearing about the innumerable benefits of Sudarshan Kriya from different people including celebs, friends, relatives, neighbors next door, unknown people, and lastly from my sister. This powerful breathing technique has impacted over 45 mill ... -
How Sudarshan Kriya can improve relationships among couples?
Do you feel burdened or embarrassed when you have to often prove your love and commitment to your spouse or partner? This is a natural tendency among couples. The solution to this is in your hands. Sudarshan Kriya, (SK) a powerful breathing technique, has ... -
8 reasons why working women should do Sudarshan Kriya
In these modern times, women face many challenges. They have a lot of responsibilities to fulfill, both at home and also at work. Do you as a woman often feel like a victim trapped between work and stereotyped gender roles at home? In a sense of victimho ... -
Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya
Sudarshan Kriya is a simple yet powerful rhythmic breathing technique that de-stresses, and cleanses at the cellular level, and effectively draws you into a deep state of meditation. Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing practices, referred to collec ...