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Before being born in the human form, what other forms of birth does one have to go through?
It is after 84,00,000 births that one is born in the human form. Why look behind, into the past? Look into the mirror. If you find that you resemble a monkey, then it could be a past monkey birth of yours. Or if you find yourself like a horse or a donke ... -
Gurudev, King Agrasen was Kamsa’s father, and Kamsa turned out to be evil and hopeless. On the other hand, the demon king Hiranyakashyapu’s son Prahlada turned out to be so noble and devoted. Do the samskaaras (impressions or virtues) of the parents also pass on to the children?
Yes, they do pass on to the children. There are four factors that affect the life of an infant. 25% is attributed to the impressions that they carry from past lifetimes. The next 25% of impressions come from the mother and father. 25% of the impressions ... -
Gurudev, how to be humble yet authoritative at work?
That is a skill that you have to manage. You have to be humble and yet firm. It is easy to be strict and arrogant, and it is easy to be humble and weak. But humility with weakness is no good. Strength with humility is the most appreciable quality. -
What is the difference between other species or creatures on this planet and the beings who are enlightened? You have described how we should not let emotions affect us, be centered and be in the present moment. I see animals being that way at every moment. Seems like there is no difference between other species and a yogi and we are the only one who are different.
The other species are very limited in the three dimensions that we spoke earlier. Their awareness is limited. Their knowledge is limited and their ability to express love is also limited. Human physiology has this unique ability to comprehend know ... -
Gurudev, the youth in Himachal Pradesh are getting addicted to drugs which is a huge problem today. Please explain why does material prosperity also brings vices along with it. Is it worth having prosperity at the cost of human values?
No, certainly not. Such prosperity is good for nothing. If human values are not there, then it is meaningless to say that you are prosperous. For example, if you have insomnia, then no matter how good a bed you may have, it is of no use. Similarly, i ... -
Because I travel a lot to places where vegetarian food is hard to find, I sometimes end up eating wrong foods and find energy is really low and there is heaviness in the head. What to do in such situations?
You know when people have some allergies, just because of company they don’t eat those foods for which they have allergies. Suppose you have allergy to carbonated drinks, and because the company is all drinking, you’ll not say, ‘Ok, I’ll also drink.’ Becau ... -
A question from someone on the ART Excel Course: When the cops or anyone in the military shoot or kill anyone in war, does it count as their good or bad karma?
Let us take the policeman. A policeman is doing his job to keep peace in society, so it is not a bad thing. In the military, one who is following orders is only doing his job. The man, who gives the orders, gets the karma. ...