Gurudev, King Agrasen was Kamsa’s father, and Kamsa turned out to be evil and hopeless. On the other hand, the demon king Hiranyakashyapu’s son Prahlada turned out to be so noble and devoted. Do the samskaaras (impressions or virtues) of the parents also pass on to the children?
Yes, they do pass on to the children. There are four factors that affect the life of an infant. 25% is attributed to the impressions that they carry from past lifetimes. The next 25% of impressions come from the mother and father. 25% of the impressions are caught on from the immediate environment that they are in. The kind of environment and the company they keep plays a big role in this. The remaining 25% of the impressions come from the kind of actions a person does by himself. So in this way, many things make an impression in the life of an infant. A teacher makes a big impression in the life of a person.