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  1. Gurudev, King Janaka and Buddha both got enlightened. While King Janaka continued to be surrounded by all the wealth and comforts, Buddha lived the life of a monk, so is there a difference? Are there different levels of self-realization?

    Not at all. If there is a difference then it is not enlightenment at all. The mind does not depend on what clothes you wear. Whatever you wear on the outside, you will still remain the same inside. So self-realization is the inner awakening, it has n ...
  2. Can you please explain the meaning of this verse, ‘Indriyarthesu vairagyam anahankara eva ca, janma-mrityu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarshanam. ’

    Indriyartheshu vairagyam, we see so many things, such beautiful sceneries, but till when can we keep seeing? At some point, our eyes get tired and we close them. Similarly, with smell; people who work in incense factories, they cannot stand smelling ...
  3. It seems we are rag dolls. Could you please throw some light on this?

    Yes, it is a very big philosophical question. If you ask anyone who did very good work, or those who have done the worst crime, they say somehow they did not do it, it just happened through them. This is the experience of many people. There is so ...
  4. Gurudev, how can I find my inner destination, my real passion? Or should I just stop searching?

    I think that is a good idea, stop searching and just relax. Go deep within. See, the nature of the mind is to go towards newer things. Newer things are always outside, so the mind goes on searching outside. However, when the mind starts taking an inwar ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, if God and the Divine are not objects of perception, then what are you?

    You find that out. To know who I am, first you have to find out who you are. Start from where you are. If you know yourself, then you will know me. You can’t know me if you don’t know yourself. ...
  6. How to go back to the source?

    Just by being quiet, unlearning and unwinding you will get back to the source. ...
  7. Does the soul have an aim?

    Yes, the soul definitely has an aim, to become one with the super-soul. The small mind's aim is to become one with the big mind. Every wave wants to wash the shore and become one with the ocean, which it already is! ...
  8. Gurudev, what can I rely on that can never be shaken?

    The Self. Why you want to rely on anything? Just relax! Relax and you will find that everything is falling in the right place. Anything that bothers you, just drop it here. Send it to me. I am with you, yes! ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, what can I do to increase my capacity to take your blessings? How can I make my cup bigger?

    In the Advanced Course you all have heard of the Shatt Sampatti (Six wealths, or six-fold virtues) •Sama (calmness or quietude of mind)  •Dama (self-control or restraint of the senses)  •Uparati ...
  10. Dear Gurudev, what is the difference between self-inquiry and judging yourself? You sometimes tell us to stop judging, can you please elaborate?

    You should take the middle path. There are some who justify their actions all the time, and some who finds fault with themselves all the time. Both will create a sort of imbalance. You should take a middle path, where you can look into your actio ...