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Guruji the soul is one, then what carries individual karma and takes it from one body to another?
Yes, there are two levels of atma, one is Sarvatma and the other is Jivatma. Like inside a balloon also there is air but the air is encapsulated, right? That is Jiva. So the impressions form the Jiva, but the air is the same that is outside or inside the b ... -
Can the self exist without the other six layers of existence?
Yes. Definitely! All other six layers are its own projection. Like the spider, it weaves the whole web from its own saliva. But, the spider can also exist without its web. A consciousness has created all the layers, yet it can exist without any of tho ... -
If this life is a dream, then how to know the real self?
You cannot know the real self. What you can know is that everything is changing. Once you know everything is changing, one who feels that everything is changing is non changing. Without the non changing, you cannot recognize the changes. Without ... -
Gurudev, is this 'Tat Tvam Asi' (Thou art that)?
Yes, this is what is Tat Tvam Asi; Mahavaakya, the great sentence. You are that - when you experience that there is no other. The whole universe is made up of one vibration. It is one thing that has become many. This is the modern thou ... -
Dearest Guruji, I fall in love with everything including myself whenever I come here and whenever I meet you.
That is what it is all about - to fall in love with one's Self. And what is this Self? 'Who am I? I am not a tiny being bound in this body, I am magnanimous, omnipresent. Lord Krishna also says the same, 'Avajaananti mam mudha', these foolish people t ... -
The only thing you must remember is how fortunate you are
When you forget this you become sad. Sorrow indicates your negative qualities, and your attachment to your positive qualities. When you think you are too good, you blame the world; then you become sad. The purpose of sorrow is to bring you back to the sel ... -
Sakha-- Your Reliable Sense
There are three things: the Self, the senses, and the object, or the world. And there are three words: sukha, pleasure; dukha, sorrow; and sakha, companion. These have one thing in common: "kha," which means "senses." The Self through ... -
Shaucha and Ashaucha
When you are miserable, what has happened is that you have gone away from the Self. This is called Ashaucha. It means you have become unclean. In India when someone dies, the close relatives are said to be Ashaucha for 10 days because they are very sad. T ... -
Abiding in the self
Abiding in the self you become the valentine for the whole world. Spirit is the valentine of matter and matter is the valentine of the spirit. They are made for each other. They uphold each other. If you hold onto matter and do not respect the spirit, the ...