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  1. Gurudev, as teenagers each one of us develops a liking for someone, and begins to spend a lot of time on it. This is a major distraction for us. Can you please help us?

    Thank God you understood that it is a distraction! The job is half done! Get busy! This is the time to develop all the talents in you, the time to develop your skills -- to learn music, languages, cooking, agriculture and whatever else you want ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, how to let go of people who are no more in our life?

    Expand your vision about yourself, about life and about this universe. This universe has been there for at least 19 billion years, and it is part of a billion of galaxies. If you observe the cosmos, the solar system is like a dot.The ...
  3. Gurudev, what is the difference between Moha (attachment) and Mamtaa (a mother’s love)?

    See, a mother’s love is permanent, it never goes away. What is attachment? When (a mother’s) love makes us blind, then that is attachment.Suppose a mother’s son is not qualified to become the Chief Minister of a state, and the son ...
  4. Gurudev, how do I know if I am deeply in love with a person or if it is just an attachment?

    Time will tell (Laughter). Always know that there is a sense of sacrifice in love, while attachment only brings misery. In the name of love, if you fall in an infatuation or attachment, then you will only get misery. But in true love, even sacrifice brings ...
  5. Gurudev, how can I overcome laziness? It took me one month to even come up and ask this question!

    I will answer this question next year! (Laughter) Why should I hurry in giving you the answer? Anyway there is no use of giving you the answer immediately. Stay lazy as long as you like to be. One day or the other you will get fed up of it. Man gets ...
  6. Can you please explain the meaning of this verse, ‘Indriyarthesu vairagyam anahankara eva ca, janma-mrityu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarshanam. ’

    Indriyartheshu vairagyam, we see so many things, such beautiful sceneries, but till when can we keep seeing? At some point, our eyes get tired and we close them. Similarly, with smell; people who work in incense factories, they cannot stand smelling ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, can you please explain how to overcome attachment, and what to do about the attachment for you? These days it has become very painful.

    You cannot hide love. Nor can you express it fully. This has been the story of love since ages. When there is love, it oozes out and you see it in your eyes, and in your actions. Love can never be hidden, and yet it can never be expressed fully. However mu ...
  8. What is the easiest way to stay away from attachment and entanglement?

    Be centered. Know that this is all a dream and everything is going to finish. Everybody is going to finish, and one day everything will be over. Turn back in the past and see, you have spent around 30 to 50 years on this planet, what happened to all tho ...
  9. Gurudev, you ask us to be dispassionate. How can I be dispassionate about you? I love you and the attachment keeps growing every day.

    If this attachment helps you to move away from other unwanted things, then it is okay. If it gives you a focus, it is fine. But if it is causing jealousy, anger, greed and all those negative emotions, you better work on yourself. Go deep into yourself ...
  10. Gurudev, I understand detachment and selflessness on an intellectual level, but I find it difficult to practice. What do I do?

    Life will teach you that lesson. When you are too attached to something, without wisdom, it brings you more pain. ...