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  1. Gurudev, I understand detachment and selflessness on an intellectual level, but I find it difficult to practice. What do I do?

    Life will teach you that lesson. When you are too attached to something, without wisdom, it brings you more pain. ...
  2. Gurudev, I have only one daughter. She has moved to Canada after her marriage and I have not been able to meet her since one and half years. Will I be able to meet her?

    Yes, go meet her! Your daughter also should feel, ‘I want to meet my mother.’ What has happened is that we sometimes raise our children in such way that they don’t have any feeling or compassion. We have not given them the right values or taught ...
  3. Dear Guruji, it seems like love has another side called ‘attachment’. Love is a beautiful feeling but attachment causes pain. How can one love without feeling attached?

    Now don’t struggle to detach yourself. You feel attached, that is it! You are attached there is no way out of it. If you keep doing seva then you will see the attachment will find a larger dimension. And if you don’t put too much attention to deta ...
  4. Attachments

    Attachments cause feverish breath and feverish breath takes away peace of mind. Then you are in pieces and fall prey to misery. Before you get scattered too much, gather yourself and rid your breath of the feverishness through surrender and sadhana. Unfor ...
  5. Quote

    When someone is drowning in the ocean of attachments, surrender is the life jacket they can put on and wait for the rescue team.   ...
  6. Attachments

    Your non-attachment to the mundane is your charm, Your attachment to the Divine is your beauty ...