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If a disciple has expectations from the Guru, what should they be? And if the Guru has any expectations from the disciple, what should they be?
You work out the calculations yourself! Be dedicated, have determination, be in surrender and have thirst for knowledge. Actually, the Guru doesn't really have any expectations. For instance, the Principal of a school knows there are student ... -
How would you know who is your true disciple?
I don't care. Why should I know if someone is true or untrue? If they are truthful, they will move up. If they are untruthful, they will fall down because nobody's intellect is in their control.Why should anyone doubt anybody, whether they ... -
What is the difference between the physical form of Sadguru and the Guru Tattva, and how can I connect to it?
When you have asked a question, know that you are already connected to it. It means you have become an enquirer and you can enquire only because of the Guru Tattva. Got it?If someone is answering a question and claims that he is not a guru, and so ... -
Gurudev, according to you what is easier, becoming a Guru or or becoming a disciple?
Easy or difficult is just a concept. Anything is difficult when you don’t have energy, anything is easy when you are full of enthusiasm and energy. You ask someone who is sick and tired, ‘Do you want to walk a mile?’ They ... -
Dear Gurudev, I don’t speak out my problems to you knowing that you already know what is going on in my mind. I read a book where you said that a devotee must speak out his or her mind to the master without any hesitation regardless of how trivial the matter might be. Does this mean that I should be more vocal than I am at the moment or do silent prayers have effect?
As long as the things are happening and you don’t feel like verbalizing it, its fine. There is no need that you must say it out, but many times when you say it out, you feel lighter from the inside. That is why I say speak out. You don’t need to hesitate. ... -
Gurudev, Lord Krishna played the role of a Guru to Arjuna. In Lord Krishna’s life, what role did Arjuna play? What role can a disciple play in Guru’s life?
There can be only two types of disciples: the easy disciple, and the tough disciple. The tough ones are hard nuts to crack. It will take a long time for the tough ones to get the point.The easy ones are those who know, who become sensitive, and who ... -
Gurudev, please explain how the relationship between Guru and disciple begins and how should it develop?
What is your relationship with yourself? Do you hide anything from your own self? No, so the same is the relationship between the Guru and the disciple. Who are you to yourself? Are you a son, father, brother? What are you to yourself? (Ans: I ... -
Gurudev, please talk on the art of asking questions since, at times, I am not satisfied with an answer I get, or I get more confused with the answer.
Meditation! When the mind is restless, no matter what the answer is, it does not get in. When your mind is quiet, just a sign is good enough and you will pick up the answer, for you are the source of all answers. When you are quiet, then, from with ... -
Gurudev, why is that a lot of enlightened masters, who healed so many people, had to undergo a lot of suffering?
See, there is no suffering for the soul, or for the mind. It is the body which has its limitations. If you stretch the body too much, then definitely the body will have to undergo its routine. So the body will have cold and cough, and all these illnesses d ... -
Gurudev, in the Upanishads, we usually find references of Samit Pani (ritual of offering dry sticks to the Master). Gurudev, could you please tell us, what is the significance of this?
Samit is the stick which is ready to catch fire. Here, it is a symbol of being ready, so that when the knowledge is given, you just grab it. Samit Pani has many meanings. One is, ‘Be Attentive’; se ...