What is the difference between the physical form of Sadguru and the Guru Tattva, and how can I connect to it?
When you have asked a question, know that you are already connected to it. It means you have become an enquirer and you can enquire only because of the Guru Tattva. Got it?
If someone is answering a question and claims that he is not a guru, and someone who asks a question and says, "I’m not a student", both are not being honest. It’s like someone saying, "I’m not a doctor but I’m prescribing medication". And the patient saying, "I’m not a patient, but I need medicine!" Both have lost their minds!
Everyone has played the role of a Guru sometime in their life. What is the role of Guru? Doing all that you can for someone’s growth and development without expecting anything in return. So have you played this role in your life at least to one person with a pure heart and clear mind? When you are guiding someone, not wanting anything in return from them, not even a thanks, then Guru Tattva is working through you. Everyone would have to play that role of unconditional love in their life, and give someone some guidance or encouragement.
There are various levels to this. You could give guidance in the field of art, or it could be in field of science, research or technology. But beyond that is the spiritual dimension. In spirituality a Guru is opening a new dimension in your life. Just look back, before you started meditating, what was the state of your mind and what is the state of your mind now? You will find a big difference. How many of you find a big difference? (Many in the audience raise their hands).
You can’t even relate to the person you were before. Earlier you were just a bundle of thoughts and you didn’t know who you were. Now you know that you are not just the thoughts, you are not just the emotions, you are something more. It’s not yet clear, but a new dimension has been added to your life. This is important.