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You talked about seva. Many of us are concerned about what is happening in Nepal. Wanted to know your perspective on how we can bring peace there with all the chaos that is happening.
Just this morning I spoke with the people in Nepal. It is all in place. Katmandu is getting back to normalcy. Of course, we lost five thousand lives. In the interior villages where help is needed, our people have already started going there.It is ... -
What do you think about the takfiri movement and the extreme violence in Syria?
First, this is an identity crisis, as I have said. People feel their identity is threatened.Second, they think only they have the key to the heaven, and all others are wrong. I would like to share one of my experiences with you. When I was ... -
Gurudev, today the documentary film based on Nirbhaya was released by BBC. Though the Indian Government tried to ban it, it has come out through various sources. The movie does project that Indian culture is backward with respect to women. What are your views on this?
I don’t give much importance to these movies because many of them are the imagination of the producer or director or script writers. You will always find, some will have one point of view and others will have another point of view. People are free ... -
Where is God when ISIS militants are killing innocent people mercilessly?
He must be sleeping somewhere. We have to wake him up. Godliness is there in everyone, it is sleeping, especially where the ISIS incidents are happening.It is really painful. Today also there was an attack in a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. ... -
Gurudev, your Prime Minister has a reputation of being a Hindu ultra nationalist in France. What does it mean?
Newspapers say many things. One thing I know is, there is a right wing, left wing and the centre in politics. But what is important is that – once a person occupies a seat of responsibility, he has to care for everybody.As far as I know the ... -
Would you pressurize the religious leaders of the world, especially the Arab and Middle East countries to rescue the abduct, especially women and children? When we requested for the American government to send food, the answer they gave us was that they had to write to the government of Iraq and other neighboring countries to rescue the abduct.
This is between government to government. They have many policies. As an NGO, we can do what we can do. I think it is not possible for us to interfere into the foreign policies of the government. We cannot make one government stand against the other; th ... -
Gurudev, why are the Yezdis suffering so much? Were they the guards of Hitlers concentration camps at that time and is this their karma? Why should somebody be victimised for nothing?
These questions have no answers because it is connected with something much bigger than our understanding. Instead of sitting and wondering why they are suffering, think of what we can do for them. You don’t need to come to the conclusion on why they ar ... -
Genetic engineering has many benefits in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, nutrition and different other aspects. The intention encompasses a noble cause to help the poor and I would like to have your opinion on this.
When genetic engineering is banned in many countries, why should we invite them here? When it is banned in Canada, when Europe has banned it, when USA has banned it then why should India be open to it?Second point is, experiments are okay, but we sh ... -
Is this conspiracy theory of the new world order true? Are people’s minds being controlled by chemical or biological agents?
There are many conspiracy theories, and if you read some of them they will appear absolutely shocking and may be very true. But I tell you don’t be paranoid. Do not pollute your mind with all these conspiracy theories. Of course the pharmaceutical ... -
In West Bengal there are no Indian cows, only the foreign or hybrid varieties such as the Jersey cows are to be found. The administration there has sent many of the Indian cows to the slaughterhouses for beef, in the name of secularism. So the milk that we drink is not from the pure variety of Indian cows, but rather that of the hybrid cows. Please advise what we should do in such a situation.
Yes, we must do something to secure and promote the indigenous Indian cow varieties.Just today, a gentleman from Andhra Pradesh had come to meet me. He told me that the species of the bulls found in Ungol were taken to Brazil for breeding. And now w ...