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  1. Our friends in Europe are trying to get rid of religion entirely. What’s your view on that?

    Religion has its own place, but I feel that spirituality is something that rises above religion and unites people’s hearts and minds. religion has got spiritual values in it. This is what needs to be highlighted much more than the practices t ...
  2. Gurudev, what do you feel about scams, vices and slums in India? How can India be saved from this?

    See, everybody worked hard to create voter awareness in India. Unprecedented voter campaigning happened, and it has yielded the results.Volunteer for a better India (VBI) went door to door asking people to come out and vote. What then happened? A st ...
  3. How do we stop animal slaughter Gurudev?

    We need to stop it with the help of laws. Some countries don’t have the legal system backing them for this. People should also be more aware. When India got its independence, there were 120 crore cows and 30 crore people in the country. Tod ...
  4. Gurudev, will the new government be able to eradicate the problem of corruption?

    See, a car runs on all its four wheels. If one of the wheels dislodges itself from the car, the car will not be able to run. It will break down there itself. So you cannot make an imposition that this should happen, or that should happen. Al ...
  5. Gurudev, what problem of the country should be addressed and solved by the government that has recently come to power?

    Let them take some time to form the government and the cabinet of ministers. I would suggest them to put all their personal interests and gains aside, and also leave any greed they have for the Prime minister’s post. Also they should not create an ...
  6. Gurudev, which ministry or administrative area would you recommend the government to take up first?

    I would not want to make any such recommendation, since this is very subjective, and the area of concern will vary from state to state. If there is a shortage of water in a state or province, then water supply becomes the chief priority for them. If t ...
  7. Gurudev, when I see Mr. Narendra Modi (the victorious Prime ministerial candidate of the 2014 General assembly elections in India), I cannot help but swell with pride. Are there other leaders like him who think and work for serving the nation? What should the leader of a country do?

    There is a leader within everyone. All that you have to do is simply awaken and enhance those abilities within yourself.This is a skill which everyone should know. It is present within everyone, only it is lying dormant in some people, while in some ...
  8. Gurudev, India is rapidly emerging as one of the youngest nations of the world. How do we channelize all this energy of the youth towards the progress of the country? What should the youth of this country bear in mind as they move ahead in their lives?

    This is why we have created Volunteer for a Better India (VBI). All of you should become active members of VBI. I want us all to bring about a wave of happiness in every corner of the country. You all should work for this. The population of our countr ...
  9. Gurudev, you ask people to vote for a better of India, but in the present scenario I am confused as I don’t find anyone fit for the job. It’s like selecting the least bad guy. What to do?

    You are correct. Less corrupt is what you should choose, as of now. But in five years, all the youngsters prepare and think of another alternative.For now, change has to happen and we should choose the least corrupt. Give them a chance and if they a ...
  10. Hearing so many incidences about Godmen, my faith is shaken. How do I know if a saint is authentic?

    It is a very genuine question that you have. There are people who bring disgrace to their field, and this happens in almost every field. Whether it is a medical doctor, a politician, a spiritual leader or a businessman. There are people who are not genu ...