
Bend your back to save
those beautiful hair

Does combing your hair sends shivers down your spine? Try these yoga poses which can help to stop hair loss. However it’s very important for us to understand that yoga can help to prevent the condition at first stage rather and results shown in prevention can be better than the results shown in cure. Read on to know how an ancient practice can help you to prevent hair loss.

Hair condition is directly related with your general health. In fact your hair condition is a direct barometer of your own health. Beautiful hair is truly your crowning glory.The main reasons for hair loss are stress, hormonal disorders, bad eating habits, diseases, drugs, hair dyes, genetic disorders, smoking, etc.

Doing yoga and meditation to restrict hair-loss will not only give you healthy hair, but also benefit your whole system. It will improve your all round health physically and mentally also. Yoga will help enhance circulation of blood in the scalp, improve digestion and reduce anxiety and stress too.

Asanas that are beneficial for hair-loss are:

All forward bending asanas enhances blood circulation in the head or the crown region. This in turn nourishes the roots of the hair and as a result one can observe the changes in the hair over a period of time. Here are the few asanas one must try!!

1. Adho Mukha Savasana

Downward dog pose, provides good circulation to the head and is good for sinus and common cold also. It is also helpful for mental tiredness, depression and insomnia.

2. Utthanasana

Standing forward pose, helps in reducing fatigue and tiredness. Good in menopause and also improves digestion.

3. Vajrasana

It is also called diamond pose. Unlike other asanas it can be done immediately after eating your food. It helps in urinary disorders, weight loss and digestion and also reduces gas in stomach.

4. Apanasana

Apana refers to the prana or energy of you digestive tract, that aids in purifying and eliminating toxins. And this pose gives clarity to the mind. It relieves constipation.

5. Pavanmukthasana

It reduces gas, and helps digestion. The muscles of lower back are strengthened. It also reduces fat of abdomen and buttocks.

6. Sarvangasana

It helps to nourish the thyroid gland, which means healthy function of respiratory, alimentary, genital and nervous system.

Beneficial Pranayamas for hair-loss:

1. Kapalbhati Pranayam

The brain cells receive more oxygen so it is good for the nervous system, removes toxins from the body and cures obesity, diabetes

2. Bhastrika Pranayam

It helps remove excess wind, bile and phlegm in the body and purifies the nervous system; preventing all kinds of diseases in the body.

3. Naadi Shodhan Pranayam

It helps to treat heart problems, asthama and arthritis, depression, migrane, stress and eye and ear problems also.

Other things to remember:

• Along with doing yoga, looking after your diet is also important. Eating a balanced diet comprising of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, cereals and dairy products gives you
nutrients important for hair growth.

• Washing hair with neem water, keeping your hair clean by washing it 2 to 3 times a week, massaging hair with coconut oil, brushing hair
regularly is very good for your hair growth.

• Avoid using any harsh chemicals and many styling products for hair.

In addition to the above one must understand that hair loss is natural process and cannot be reversed, however the process can be restricted or slowed down with the above given tips. Don’t let your hair story be a hair raising experience for someone.

Courtesy: Sify health