As a youth of India:
* what should we do to make Republic Day 2021 a memorable one?
* What should the idea of India be for the youth?
* How can the youth contribute towards making India a better place?
* what are the practical ways that youth at large can adopt to improve India?
* How can the youth be a part of nation-building?
If you are truly moved by these questions, then we can tell you where India needs your attention and contribution.
These are burning questions that must be answered as India is a nation brimming with 650 million youth - more than half its population is under 25 years of age. Naturally, we are touted as a ‘young nation’ globally.
As India celebrates its 72nd Republic Day on January 26, it is imperative that we formulate a plan for the youth to take the country forward. Take a look at these 10 ideas which the youth can adopt to make our country a better place.
1. Maintain mental hygiene
What will you do if you’re told that you are responsible for world peace, that you can be an active member in conflict resolution? Quite a position of power, isn't it? You are capable of all these things but you can do it only when you can manage your emotions. Only then, will you be able to help those around you.
World peace begins with individual peace. And an individual will be at peace when he/she caters to mental hygiene. Like dental hygiene, maintaining mental peace and inner strength is necessary.
Meditation is food for the mind and soul. Every time you close your eyes and sit silently for a few minutes, you create positive vibrations. These vibrations not only calm you down but also give you a unique mental power. This power, in turn, helps you sort your life, manage your emotions, contribute to world peace, and stay happy. Now, when you are happy and content, won’t you be of great help to your loved ones and others in need?
“Don't think, ‘What can I do?’ or that you are insignificant when the world has a problem. You too have a role to play. A tiny homeopathic pill, which has a one-hundredth or one-thousandth potency, makes an impact on a body, which is 60-70 kilos! Scientists have discovered that a tiny change in one place, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings in South America, may produce a large effect in a faraway location, like a tornado in China, which is called 'Butterfly effect'!
In the same way, every individual - everyone who is breathing, talking, walking, thinking - influences this planet. So we can all radiate peace, good thoughts, good vibrations, and good wishes and that, definitely, makes an impact on the planet. Being peaceful in a meditative, prayerful state definitely helps.”
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, global humanitarian and Indian spiritual master
2. Say 'No' to bribes
Have you ever wondered what the cause of corruption is? It is the lack of belongingness. Would you take or give a bribe from any of your loved ones to do anything for them? This answer is the solution to corruption. When belongingness towards the nation and its people awakens in you, corruption disappears.
“It is the lack of spirituality, more than religiosity, that is leading to corruption and scams in the country. Nobody is corrupt with their own family. Corruption is happening because there is no sense of belongingness. We need to create that sense of belongingness through satsangs as Mahatma Gandhi did,” says Gurudev.
3. Observe cleanliness
“Cleanliness is the Hallmark of perfect standards, and the best quality inspector is the conscience.”
- J. R. D. Tata, an industrialist
Did you know that cleanliness is also mentioned in one of our ancient yoga scriptures, the Patanjali Yoga Sutras? Yes, it is the first principle that a yoga enthusiast must follow! Now, if our world is a reflection of who we are within, then where would cleanliness feature on the list?
Unclean surroundings are breeding grounds for many health hazards. An unclean and messy room may also be the reason for distorted thoughts, lack of clarity of mind, and low energy levels or negative vibrations in the house. Yes, it may be a very simple everyday task but it has a great impact on our life.
“People don’t care for cleanliness when they’re in an aggressive or depressed state of mind, when they lack sensitivity & awareness, or when they’re used to an unhygienic environment. All these can be corrected when leaders of our nation come together to inspire people,” said Gurudev while addressing a ‘Swachhata hi Seva’ drive across India in 2018.
4. Transform motivation into inspiration
It is one of the secrets to success. Motivation is something that lures you to perform well. But when you are inspired, you are strengthening your potential and are able to achieve a lot more in life. Have you ever heard about the benefits of having ideals and idols? One of the prime reasons for doing this is to help you find inspiration in them. Because motivation has a shelf life, it is temporary, and hampers growth. Whereas inspiration is lifelong. Inspiration can do wonders for the country’s and your growth.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”
- William James, American philosopher
5. Have a broad vision
“A modern human should learn a little about every religion & honor diversity in the world. Deepen your own roots but broaden your vision,” says Gurudev.
Wise ones care for others too. The youth must have a vision for the world and a goal for themselves. Many of them already serve society and have a broad vision for their community, society, and the world at large. This attitude of service needs a shot in the arm and more youth need to join hands to make a better India. Because, when we chose to be a republic, we also invited the idea of standing up for the betterment of our nation. Every contribution from every individual counts - there are many who need you. Even by doing small things within a group, you can bring about a big change.
6. Take up a cause
The idea of India that you personally dream of can be made into reality only when you hit the ground. Yes. The change that individuals bring about through action is much more lasting than the inspirational idea that remains a mere thought.
Today, there is a need to spread awareness about everything - right from trees to water, from agriculture to solar power, from electricity to transportation, and from mental care to personal care. To quote a few examples, The Art of Living, which is run entirely by volunteers has revived 41 rivers. This is a humongous task and it happened only with people’s participation. There are 70,000 underprivileged children studying across India in free schools, run entirely through public donations and volunteer participation. There are volunteers who have associated themselves with many such service projects and are participating in bringing the change that they want.
Whatever is close to your heart, take it up. Come out on the roads, identify groups that work for that cause and join hands. India will truly be better when you contribute towards its betterment.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.“
- Dr. Seuss, American author
7. Care for the environment
An alarming rise in global warming is starting to show its impact. The wildfires, melting glaciers, and dying wildlife hint at a potential threat that our planet faces because of the reducing green cover. Would you like to be successful on a planet that is ever-flourishing or one that is gradually decaying? What good is that success if the planet itself is dying?
In the daily humdrum of life, we tend to forget the bigger picture. Wouldn’t it be a good idea if every birthday, every anniversary, and every celebration you are a part of, has something for the environment? Maybe it could involve planting saplings. Maybe making some informed decisions which will eventually bring back the greenery. India is in dire need of getting back its thriving ecosystem and wildlife. We can truly be a republic when we care for the environment. That is perhaps the need of the hour.
“Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!”
- Leonardo DiCaprio, American actor
8. Say 'No' to plastic
Did you know that you are part of a nation that generates close to 26,000 tonnes of plastic a day, according to a Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) estimate from 2012?! India's per capita plastic consumption is nearly a tenth of the US’ - at 109 kg.
Astonishing figures and data are everywhere for us to express our shock. However, inspiring actions are not. This Republic Day, as the youth of this country, your powerful contribution can be to reduce and refuse plastic.
“Plastic pollution is a serious crisis threatening the future of our planet. Each individual can contribute to solving this problem. So today on #WorldEnvironmentDay let us pledge that we will reduce our plastic consumption by more than half. #ReduceByHalf #BeatPlasticPollution.”
- Gurudev’s tweet on June 5, World Environment Day, 2018
9. Take pride in Indianness
In the globalized era, consumerism is considered a boon. There are so many choices and options but the question is: in the bargain, are we bartering the culture of our nation? The most common example is that of the Diwali lamps or earthen diyas. In fact, many social media entrepreneurs have moved back to our artists in rural and interiors of India over Chinese lamps that flood the market every season.
As the youth of this country, taking pride in what our nation has to offer you in terms of products, art, and designs will help many find employment. For the local laborers, the saree-makers, and artists, you are the opportunity to make a living. A small helping hand from you would make you the honorable facilitator that feeds families!
Every country has its own pride, culture, and history. Who better than its youth to take pride in it? India and its Indianness should be a matter of pride for all its citizens. Not because it calls for nationalism, but because it is what every nation hopes to inspire.
One of the most prominent offerings of India to the world is spirituality. In its essence, spirituality is universality. It takes you from a narrow identity to a global perspective. But it is not a hindrance to feeling a sense of national pride.
“Technology has made the world a global village; it is spirituality that turns humanity into a family,” says Gurudev.
10. Vote. Vote. Vote.
“Many times people think, ‘Oh, why bother to vote? Why not just relax and sit at home? Who would be foolish enough to take the trouble of going to the voting booth on such a hot day?’
Do not think this way at all. Every person should go and cast their vote. There should be 100% voting this time. Will you all do it? Take a firm resolve that you will vote, and ask everyone to vote as well. If someone does not want to, you accompany them to the voting booth and ensure that they vote as well. This is our duty to the nation. We have to take responsibility for a strong self-reliant India.”
- An excerpt from Gurudev’s address in March 2014, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Need we say more? The promise of a republic nation lies in being true to the essence of the word ‘republic’. It’s time to make India better. It is possible only with you, your support, and your contribution as its rightful citizens.
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Based on wisdom talks of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
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