
Should you step out? Should you eat? What to do during the Solar Eclipse on 20th April? Find out here

As we all know on April 20th, 2023, a full solar eclipse will be seen in India. Everyone is reading about it, hearing a lot of things but there are many misconceptions and fears about the eclipse. But how are these fears related to you? Are you going to be affected too? If yes, then how intense will its effect be on you?  Here’s all you need to know about the planets, the eclipse, its effects on you and what all you can take care to avoid its effects.  

First, let's talk about how a solar eclipse occurs. According to astronomy, the moon comes between the sun and the earth and the sunlight does not reach the earth, leading to the eclipse. Let's look at this phenomenon and see how it affects us on a subtle level. According to the Indian astrology, sun signifies the light of our soul and moon represents the state of our mind. 

But first, let’s understand what is the mind. The experiences that we take from our senses are located somewhere in our conscience. Through these experiences, many feelings arise in us. Some of these feelings go into our subconscious mind, some stay in the conscious mind and some go in the unconscious mind. The place where all of these experiences and feelings are located, that space, that place of internalization is called the mind. 

When the feelings and experiences of all these senses (moon) cover the light of our soul (sun), in spiritual language, it is called a solar eclipse. 

On 26th December, the eclipse will start in Bengaluru at 8 AM. In different states, it will happen at different times. Please check the eclipse time in your local city and plan the following accordingly. The peak of the eclipse in Bengaluru  will be at 9:29 AM. This is the time when the sun will be fully afflicted by the moon. The eclipse will end at around 11:11 AM.

It is said that the contamination period of the eclipse begins 12 hours before the eclipse, so it is advised to not eat anything during this period. If there is some food prepared then put a few tulsi leaves (basil) in it. Put basil leaves in the drinking water of your house as well. Any grain that is kept in the house, put a basil leaf in it so that the food can be saved from the contamination. 

The entire contamination and the eclipse period is very good for meditation, listening to knowledge, and chanting. But apart from this, all other works should be avoided. If you have planned anything auspicious in your house then avoid doing that during the contamination and eclipse period.

The after-effects of this  full solar eclipse will remain for some time. We suggest that, at least for the next  three months, meditation and satsang should be attended every single day. It will be good to listen to some knowledge talks every day as well. Moreover, do include some asanas in your everyday work schedule as well.

The contamination period and eclipse will lead to an influx of toxins in your body. Asanas and other spiritual practices will reduce the toxins and ensure your positive energy is not affected. 

It is seen that most of the planets are located in the base nakshatra (constellation) of Sagittarius in this eclipse. Those who are astrologically aware know that this nakshatra is a little problematic. The accumulation of all planets in this constellation is bound to cause many problems and issues. 

The god of this base Nakshatra is called Nriti. Nriti is one of the esoteric deities which are known for giving very little auspicious results. To avoid the bad effects that may come because of the solar eclipse, you can follow some simple steps mentioned below.

There is a story in the Puranas (scriptures) about a child who was suffering from the ravaging effects of the base constellation. The child suffered many difficulties in his life and how, unknowingly, he took a simple remedy and got free of all the side-effects of the base constellation and lived a fruitful life. The simple remedy that the child implemented was that he sucked on a special stone since his childhood unintentionally. That stone was of Shaligram and by sucking on it, he inadvertently anointed Lord Shaligram with his mouth. Because of this, he got free of all the ill-effects of the base constellations and he experienced royal pleasures. So, if you have a Lord Shaligram in your house then you must worship him. 

Another ill-effect of this eclipse is that it will negatively affect the muladhara chakra (a collection of nerve spots in the base of our spine, also called the base chakra). It is possible that after the eclipse, some feelings may arise which can cause us to feel fear, doubt, or negativity without any reason. To be freed from this, our connection with the earth should be maintained to balance the muladhara chakra.  Gardening, walking barefoot, and even exercising in the morning can balance the muladhara chakra. The more your base chakra is balanced, the less impact you will feel of the eclipse. 

Hari Om meditation will help immensely in balancing the seven chakras. For the coming three months, it is suggested that you should do Hari Om meditation* every day. If you have learned padmasadhana* then you should do Hari Om meditation after padma sadhana. 

Simultaneously, chant Om Namah Shivaya for 10 minutes daily. All the planetary obstacles that come in your way can be completely eliminated by chanting Om Namah Shivaya mantra. 

Some of the ways which can help diminish the side-effects of the eclipse are: 

  • If your Guru has given you some mantra then doing that chanting
  • Listening to the knowledge of the Guru
  • Hari Om  meditation
  • Om Namah Shivaya chanting
  • Doing yoga daily
  • Following tasks given by the Guru
  • Doing a little gardening
  • Being physically active and exercising

Now, let's see how the effect of this eclipse will be seen on the different zodiac signs. Please note that the mentioned effects are on the lunar signs and not the solar. Find out your Lunar signs before checking the effects. 

For the Aries sign, this eclipse is going to fall in the ninth house. At this time, you need to take special care of relationships with your office colleagues. You should avoid any kind of argument. Moreover, avoid arguments with your father, be in knowledge as much as possible, obey your Guru's command and stay away from any kind of tension from your office colleagues. 

If you are initiated in Guru Puja then we suggest that you do Guru Puja every day for the next three months. If not initiated in the Guru Pooja, then the following mantra can be chanted: 

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu. Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Sakshat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurveya Namaha

You can chat this mantra 108 times or you can chat the mantra Shri Guruvanam 108 times. If you are able to chant this mantra for 108 times every day, then it will be very good for the people with Aries lunar sign.

For the Taurus sign, this eclipse is going to fall in the eighth house. Eighth place is associated with accidents, age, and old personal debts. So, it is very important that people with Taurus lunar sign drive vehicles very carefully, wear helmet while driving two-wheelers, and seatbelts while driving four-wheelers. Do not talk on the mobile while driving. 

To remove the side effects of the eighth house, meditation and practice of silence are said to be of very high importance. The eighth position is also the position of prana (life force), so by doing pranayama, the ill-effects of the eighth position can be removed. You must do pranayama and meditation every day and if possible, observe silence for some time. You can also experience deep meditation and Samadhi during the course. Samadhi is the simplest remedy to remove all the ill-effects of the eighth place. 

For people with Gemini lunar sign, this eclipse is going to fall in the seventh house. The seventh house is associated with married life and one's life partner. At this time your life partner may need a lot of unconditional love and support from you. It could also be that their health may not be very good during this time. So, it is better to not get into any differences with your partner and support them, encourage them, and give them time. If you are needed by your in-laws, then it would be best to avoid any kind of quarrel and support your partner without feeling any pressure. If possible, abandon your self-respect for some time and just support your partner lovingly.

Apart from this, you must sing, engage in bhajans daily. The presence of eclipse in the seventh house can affect your mind. To remedy these planets, you must listen to the text of "Shri Rudram" daily. Do recite Rudram daily in the evening. If you cannot read it, then listening to it will also help. Walking or running in the evening is also very good, so if you can go for a walk/run while listening to the Rudram chanting, it will be quite beneficial.

Your business is related to mass communication, or something where you have to talk to a lot of people, then make sure that your words are measured and you are speaking very carefully. It may be possible that other people might not like your words or talk. If there are some misunderstandings then it's necessary to speak thoughtfully during this time.

For Cancerians, this eclipse is going to fall in the sixth house. The sixth house is associated with debt, enemy, and litigation. It is possible that if there is any disease then it will increase; if a loan has been taken then it may also increase. Don't get into a controversy with your enemies as things could worsen. Stay away from litigation if possible. If a case is already going on then try to postpone its date. 

This time is not good for Cancerians. Your relationship with your maternal uncle or aunt may deteriorate. As far as possible, stay away from any kind of dispute with them and pray for their happiness. If possible, give them a gift. If you talk to your maternal uncle or aunt well, then that good deed may get rid of your debt and lawsuits. If possible, follow a little celibacy. Seva (Service) is a very important way to be free from all the side effects. Serve the needy wherever you can.

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For the Leo lunar sign, the eclipse is going to fall in the fifth house. The fifth house is denoted by children, knowledge, and mantra. During the next few months, pay attention to the health of your child. If you are a student, then you will have to pay more attention to studies. The exams are anyway going to happen, so for the next three months   dedicate more time than usual to the preparation.

Young people, who have completed their studies and are unmarried, can have some difficulty or face obstacles in their love affairs. Attention needs to be given to not have high expectations from your love affair. As much as possible, be in the spirit of giving. In this period, stomach issues can also arise. 

People with Leo lunar sign should make sure that they eat at the right time and the food shouldn't be too spicy. Chanting any mantras can reduce the effect of this eclipse. If you have taken initiation in Gayatri, then recite the Gayatri mantra three times a day. If you have not been initiated into Gayatri then do Trikala Evening practice. Any other preferred mantra can also be chanted three times a day. 

For the Virgo sign, this eclipse is going to fall in the fourth house. The fourth house is associated with happiness, mother, and wealth. The falling of this eclipse in the fourth house may affect your mother's health. Also, be aware that your vehicle may be affected during this time, it may get some damage, and there could be some breakage at home as well.

Maintain a good relationship with your mother and do not get into any differences with your mother. Treat your mother lovingly. Park your vehicles in the proper places and take care that they are safe. If there is some breakage in the house, then get it fixed right away. 

Eclipse in the fourth house can cause some negativity in the house or give way to some negative energies. After the eclipse, clean your house thoroughly and do not let garbage remain in the house. Make sure there is no bad odor in the house. After the cleaning, conduct a small havan or homa in your house. If you are initiated in Guru Pooja then do it or have someone else do it. 

If you have done Upanayan then do Agnikarya or if you know Agnihotra then do it yourself in the morning and evening. If you do not know any of these then get a small Homa or Havan done by one of the knowledgeable pandits. 

The people with Libra lunar sign must take a little more care of their neck. They may have an infection in the throat and if their throat gets sore due to eating and drinking then proper attention needs to be paid to that. Maintain coordination with your siblings, especially younger siblings, and do not get into any dispute with them. If possible, try to keep them as happy as you can. If you have not called them for a long time then do call them. 

If you are going to start a new project or work then you need to wait a bit as this time is not good for starting anything new, especially things that carry a little risk. As much as possible, avoid the risks and work comfortably. 

In this time, if you spread the word and knowledge of your Guru then it will be very beneficial. It will also reduce the impact of the eclipse. After the eclipse, if you are going on a short journey then it is important that before starting, you should pay obeisance to your Guru and then to your Isht Dev. 

For people with Scorpio lunar sign, this eclipse is going to fall in the second house, which is associated with family expressions. Your family may face some problems, some disputes may arise, which makes it very important for you to take your family along and maintain coordination. 

The second house also denotes the food that we are consuming. It is important that you watch what you eat as there are chances of food poisoning during this time. The second house is also associated with speech so it is also important that you pay attention to what you are saying and whether it is correct or not. 

If you serve the society with the feeling of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, serve your family and serve the people who live around you then it can reduce the side effects of the second house. 

People with Sagittarius lunar sign need to be very alert during and after the eclipse. This eclipse is happening in the Saggittarius sign and all the other planets are orbiting the moon of Saggittarius. You must pay special attention to your feelings and take good care of your mind. It may be possible that deep impressions hidden in your subconscious mind may come out or some fears that you had never thought of may come up in you. So it is very important to keep your mind balanced at this time. 

If you are doing Sudarshan Kriya then make sure to do it daily for the next three months and also do Long Sudarshan Kriya once a week. You must always keep your mind healthy. The presence of this eclipse in Sagittarius is a special warning to the people with Saggittarius lunar sign that they must do meditation, Pranayama, and Sudarshan Kriya. If you haven't been doing it till now then start doing it from now on. 

Drink as much water as possible and try to get panchakarma treatment if possible. Panchakarma is the Ayurvedic system of medicine used to purify the body. During the next few months, toxins may increase in your body. You must take special care if you are feeling increasingly tired or some unknown fears are coming up in you.

For people with Capricorn lunar sign, this eclipse is happening in the 12th house. This house denotes that if you are thinking of going abroad or traveling abroad, then you need to take special care. Some problems may increase during this time. If possible, postpone your foreign travel. If you are already on a foreign trip then you may face some problems during the journey. 

People with Capricorn signs may also face the issue of insomnia or inability to sleep. As far as possible, sleep at the right time, get up at the right time and do not sleep during the day. The good thing is that the meditation of Capricorn people will be very deep during this time. You may have varied experiences and it is also possible that you may experience Yogmaya. You will need to follow your meditation and spiritual practices with awareness. 

If you experience something different then do share it with Gurudev or your Guru and then only come to any conclusion. 

For people with Aquarius lunar sign, this eclipse is going to fall in the 11th house. The position of anything in the 11th house gives only benefit so even this eclipse will be beneficial only. However, the eclipse's presence even in the house of gain can also indicate some problems. 

There are chances of some misunderstandings with your friends or older siblings. So, as much as possible, do not get into a dispute with friends or elder siblings. Let this period pass and the misconceptions that may have happened will be solved automatically when the time comes. 

But, this is going to be a very good time for people with Aquarius sign so if you are preparing for some competitive exam or something in which there is a possibility of some profit then all the planets will be in the 11th house for your benefit. 

If you need to take any remedy then you must go to any spiritual satsang. Visiting a place where knowledge is discussed or sessions of knowledge, singing, and meditation is very beneficial. It will completely erase all the ill effects of the eclipse falling in the 11th house.

For people with the Pisces lunar sign, the eclipse will fall in the 10th house. The tenth house is the place of Karma. Your place of work or employment is indicated by the 10th house. It is possible that wherever you are working or doing business, some problems and obstacles may arise. 

Situations may come up in your workplace which is not suitable for you. This can cause a lot of trouble. The upcoming period requires a lot of attention and you must give your best in your work. As Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam" - when we work efficiently, it leads us to Yoga. So, in the upcoming period, you have to carry out your work with full dedication and skill. 

Because of the presence of eclipse in the 10th house, the work situation will still be bad. There are chances that your officers and your colleagues may not be happy with you. You have to be ready to accept that instead of your work, some negativity and misunderstandings are being spread. 

The best remedy for this was also given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita - 
Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma Phalesu Kada chana; Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhur, Ma tey Sangostva Akarmani

This means that we have to keep doing our karma with a feeling of selflessness. 

Here we found out how this eclipse will give its side effects on different lunar signs and what measures we can take to reduce or get rid of the side effects. However, it is not so that the eclipse will only bring side effects. Some people wait many years for an eclipse to come, especially for such a powerful eclipse. Many yogis, meditators, and spiritual people wait for the golden opportunity when a good eclipse like this comes. 

There may be side effects, but spiritual people know that this is an opportunity to take a spiritual leap. It is said that during the eclipse, the veil between the microcosm and the macrocosm becomes thinner. This means that any meditation or chanting done during this time gives back its fruit many times over. 

So, this three-hour eclipse is a golden occasion for all seekers and yogis. We must meditate and chant properly during these three hours. Meditation done in this period will be a thousand times more beneficial than any practice done during an ordinary day.

While there are some fares associated with the eclipse, many wait eagerly for it as well. During this eclipse, we must strengthen our practice and chanting. With sincere meditation and practice during the three hours, any seeker will improve on their spiritual path with the grace of this eclipse. 


Know about next Eclipse dates

Solar Eclipse details

Date: 20th April 2023

Start Time: 08:07 AM

End Time:  11:26 AM

Lunar Eclipse details

Date: 8th November 2022

Start Time: 05:50 PM

End Time:  06:20 PM

*Note: The above details are with respect to Indian Standard Time 


Based on inputs from Ashutosh Chawla, Head, Jyotish and Vastu, Vaidic Dharma Sansthan.

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