Diwali – A celebration of Life

Diwali'13 With Gurudev in Gujarat

Diwali – A celebration of Life in true sense

Gurudev says; Life has many facets and stages to it and it is important that you throw light on each of them, for life to be fully expressed. Diwali is also called Deepavali, which literally means rows of lights. The rows of lights remind you that every aspect of life needs your attention and the light of knowledge. Diwali is the commemoration of the light of wisdom in our lives.

When Wisdom dawns in the life, there will be celebration. Guruji will be celebrating this Diwali in Gujarat. A lot of activities have been scheduled during the course of the events.



  1. Shakti Kriya: This New Year Gurudev has spoken about two new gifts to world. We are very honored to invite you Gujarat's First SHAKTI KRIYA With Gurudev at Ahmedabad on this auspicious week of Diwali events. Come and Take a leap in the World of "SHAKTI". You can register online also just email us at info@srisriingujarat.org along with that An evening of mesmerizing "Satsang", has also been organized on the 30th October, for all of us to enjoy some more "Guru Time"!

Reporting: 29th October (on Accomodation basis) Note:- accommodation Available

Date: 30th October and 31st October 2013, MahaSatsang (open for all) 30th Oct: 7 Pm onwards

Time: 8:30 am to 10:30 am

Prerequisite: 2 Advance course

Age: 18-55 years

Venue: Convention hall, Near Helmet cross roads, Memnagar, Ahmedabad

Contact details: 9825822389, 9067840405, 079-26733031

  1. "BE The Change"- A Youth Meet With Gurudev

 (In Association with Gujarat University & Gujarat Technological University.)

As per Globally Proven Survey In India 34 to 40%. People are Youth, which is Highest in any Country. In today's digitally modern world each young mind is connected with each other in their own ways. Their minds are intellectual but they are not clear about their specific goals in life. Goals which decide their path, where they are and where they need to go. In their own respective ways each young mind is aware about today's world scenario as well as our indian scenario. So this event can become a solution for them to be clear in achieving solutions for their goals.
Be the Change! :) To see the change you want in the nation....!!!!

Register Yourself now at : http://tinyurl.com/ouxebw9

Date: 30th October 2013

Time: 4 to 6 Pm

Prerequisite:  ID cards

Age: 18 above

Venue: Convention hall, Near Helmet cross roads, Memnagar, Ahmedabad

Contact details: 9727758438,08238527353,9909538634


  1. Maha Sudarshan Kriya: Through Sudarshan Kriya we can learn to skillfully use the breath to change the way we feel. It helps in releasing negative emotions like anger, anxiety, depression and worry, leaving the mind completely happy, relaxed, and energized. Come and be a part of the Maha Sudarshan Kriya which will be followed by Mahasatsang.

Date: 31st October

Prerequisite: Part-1/Yes!+ course for MahaSudarshan Kriya and For Mahasatsang open for all

Time: 5:00 pm (entry bypass available), Mahasatsang 7:00 pm onwards (open for all)

Venue: Tadkuva, Next to Happy home, Bypass N.H.6 ,Vyara,Gujarat

Contact: 8980560090, 8980556151, 8980562797


  1. Dhanteras Special MahaLakshmi Havan in Presence of Gurudev

The Mahalakshmi Homaa is performed to invoke the energy signified by Lakshmi. Lakshmi symbolizes the energy of abundance, and all the different types of Wealth that we experience in our life (not just material or monetary). Traditionally there are eight types of wealth mentioned in the vedic tradition: Adi Lakshmi (the original Lakshmi), Dhana Lakshmi (abundance of money and gold), Dhanya Lakshmi (agricultural abundance), Gaja Lakshmi (abundance of power and royalty), Santana Lakshmi (abundance of offspring), Vira Lakshmi (abundance of strenght and valour), Vijaya Lakshmi (abundance of all types of victory) and Vidya Lakshmi (abundance of knowledge and wisdom). This Homa invokes and enhances these different types of wealth in our daily life and brings abundance. This Homa is also usually performed at the start of any business venture or undertaking, for abundance of wealth.

4.1 Importance of Sankalpa

Sankalpa is derived from two words 'SAT' (which means Guna) and 'KALPANA' (which means imagination). So Sankalpa means a good intention. So how does a sankalpa work?? It's a simple two step process:

  1. Identifying our intention.
  2. Surrendering it to the Divine

During the pujas we bring the mind from the vastness of time and space to HERE NOW. With mind in present moment we identifying our intention and then we take flower and rice in our hand and drop it with water; thus surrendering it to the divine. The Vedic Mantras which are chanted are also very important part of the process. As every sound has a effect on our being; the ancient Rishis figured out which sound created what impact on brain and that is how the Mantras were created. The mantras chanted during the puja is the process of making the sankalpa manifest.

Just as Sunlight is present everywhere, but when we keep it under a magnifying glass it creates fire.

Sankalpa is like a magnifying glass. Attending the puja's is definitely very beneficial, but taking a sankalpa makes it more powerful. The Choice is yours.

Taking sankalpa during this Diwali will help in manifestation of good intentions.

Date: 1st November

Time: 5PM Onwards (Entry through Pass only)

Sankalpa Passes Available

Contact: 9879276657


  1. PDS: Pranayam Dhyan Shibir is a two hours workshop to make many experience the breadth of pranayam and depth of meditation in the presence of Gurudev.
    Pranayam helps develop better focus, relax worked up mind, decrease anxiety and increase awareness. While meditation improves emotional stability and makes one realize one's true potential.
    When done in a large group, the effects of meditation multiply. And when done in the presence of a Master; a Guru, it becomes the experience to remember.

Date : 2nd November

Time: 6:30 PM to 8 PM

(Entry By Pass only, Passes available)

  1. Maha Satsang: Maha Satsang is another occasion where we Sing, Dance and Meditate in presence of Gurudev is a true celebration in every sense.

Date: 2nd November

Time:  8 PM Onwards (Open for all)

    Contact: 9173919919

  1. Maha Lakshmi Homa:

The Mahalakshmi Homaa is performed to invoke the energy signified by Lakshmi. Lakshmi symbolizes the energy of abundance, and all the different types of Wealth that we experience in our life (not just material or monetary). Traditionally there are eight types of wealth mentioned in the vedic tradition: Adi Lakshmi (the original Lakshmi), Dhana Lakshmi (abundance of money and gold), Dhanya Lakshmi (agricultural abundance), Gaja Lakshmi (abundance of power and royalty), Santana Lakshmi (abundance of offspring), Vira Lakshmi (abundance of strenght and valour), Vijaya Lakshmi (abundance of all types of victory) and Vidya Lakshmi (abundance of knowledge and wisdom). This Homa invokes and enhances these different types of wealth in our daily life and brings abundance. This Homa is also usually performed at the start of any business venture or undertaking, for abundance of wealth.

6.1 Importance of Sankalpa

Sankalpa is derived from two words 'SAT' (which means Guna) and 'KALPANA' (which means imagination). So Sankalpa   means a good intention. So how does a sankalpa work?? It's a simple two step process:

  1. Identifying our intention.
  2. Surrendering it to the Divine

During the pujas we bring the mind from the vastness of time and space to HERE NOW. With mind in present moment we identifying our intention and then we take flower and rice in our hand and drop it with water; thus surrendering it to the divine. The Vedic Mantras which are chanted are also very important part of the process. As every sound has a effect on our being; the ancient Rishis figured out which sound created what impact on brain and that is how the Mantras were created. The mantras chanted during the puja is the process of making the sankalpa manifest.

Just as Sunlight is present everywhere, but when we keep it under a magnifying glass it creates fire.

Sankalpa is like a magnifying glass. Attending the puja's is definitely very beneficial, but taking a sankalpa makes it more powerful. The Choice is yours.

Taking sankalpa during this Diwali will help in manifestation of good intentions.

Date: 3rd November

Time:  7 AM Onwards (Open for all)

SanKapla Passes Available

Contact: 9173919919


Advance Course in Presence of Gurudev at Gujarat Ashram:

The Art of Living Part II Course provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing deep rest and inner peace. The practice of silence – of consciously withdrawing our energy and attention from outer distractions – has been used in different traditions throughout time as a pathway to physical, mental, and spiritual renewal. By participating in various course processes specifically designed to take us beyond our usually active minds, we experience an extraordinary sense of peace and renewed energy that we carry home with us.

The course features:

  • Rejuvenating yoga
  • Two to three days of guided silence practice
  • Unique guided meditations designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
  • Advanced breathing techniques which can also be practiced at home after the course
  • Advanced insight on the laws governing our mind and emotions

The course is typically held as a residential retreat in a place of natural beauty and tranquility. It's no wonder that many course participants refer to it as the ideal vacation for body, mind, and spirit.

Prerequisite: Part-1/Yes!+ Program

Reporting: 2nd November

Date: 3rd November-6th November

Contact: 9825595475

Venue: The Art Of Living Gujarat Ashram,Vasad, Anakalwadi, Dist. Anand

"Highlights: RudraPuja with Gurudev on Auspicious Day of Gujarati New Year"

Time: 7:00 am Onwards

Date: 4th November 2013"

Website: http://www.srisriingujarat.org
Email: info@srisriingujarat.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/srisriingujarat
Twitter: www.twitter.com/aolgujarat


Come Join us; in Gujarat for this celebration of Lifetime J !!!