A puja is a ceremony of gratitude. The Sanskrit word “puja” means “fullness”. Pujais done out of a feeling of fullness and in turn it also brings a feeling of fullness. The Guru Pujahonors the lineage of spiritual masters of the Vedic tradition. Chanting the Guru Puja unites one’s mind with the tradition of spiritual masters. Course participants learn how to chant the Guru Puja in Sanksrit and the meaning of the chant. Pre-requisites:
Guru Puja Phase 1 | गुरु पूजा चरण 1
Contact us
Vyakti Vikas Kendra India,
PYSE Department, Shanmuka Hall,
The Art Of Living International Centre,
1st Gate, 21st Km,
Udayapura, Kanakapura Road,
Bangalore - 560082
Contact: +91 9379509359
Email: novice@vvki.net