Surya Namaskar for Weight Loss: Know Calories Burned in Each Set
Surya Namskar is said to be the complete body workout for weight loss. Yoga experts say that doing translates...

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss: Transform Your Body and Mind
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for many millennia. Yoga provides us with tools and techniques...

How to lose weight without exercise
Long commuting hours, 12-hour work schedules, and the general...

Is walking enough for weight loss? Know the tips and tricks of walking
I miss Gaushala maidan, Jodhpur, Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur,...

How to tone your body with Yoga
Do you think looking good and toning the body requires a lot...

How to eat flaxseeds for weight loss
Flaxseeds are a superfood. Its anti-inflammatory property and high content of dietary fiber, protein, antioxidants,...

Some facts you want to belly up to
Once upon a time, there was a little tiff between two very good friends people. The first one said to the other:...

Yoga for obesity & weight loss: A beginner's guide
Of the many medical conditions that we face due to our stressful...

Practice Yoga For Improved Metabolism | Boost Your Energy
Believe it or not, but with more and more fitness enthusiasts...

How to lose weight during winters?
Do you know that winter is the best and easiest season to lose...

6 Spiritual Ways to Lose Weight
Grappled by many diseases, our generation has finally realized...

Yoga for Weight Loss
Yoga, the wonder tool for enhancing one’s mental and physical health, is an ideal aid for weight loss. It acts...

Shedding weight with yoga is easy, effective & long-lasting
“Oh my God, I am back to square one!” I shrieked. “And this time it’s going to be much harder”, the gym trainer...

6 Wonderful Reasons why Meditation is useful in weight loss
Weight loss is an act of immense courage, commitment, and willpower....

Yoga to lose weight fast: 5 insider tips/5 secrets about yoga to lose weight fast
With the advent of fast food, fast life style there came a silent...

Simple lifestyle hacks for mild Covid symptoms
Experiencing mild symptoms of Covid-19? If yes, along with consulting...