Follow Your Breath And Fly High
“Breath is the link between the body and mind. If the mind is a kite the breath is the thread. The longer the thread,...

3 best pranayamas to build immunity during lockdown
Listen to these voices on the lockdown: I was expecting to have joined work by this time. Now, I don’t even know...

What is pranayama and its types & techniques
“When the mind is still, it gets the power to fulfill any thought.”...

Anti-aging yoga tips to feel younger
Aging is an inevitable natural happening. For the curious ones...

What is Sudarshan Kriya?
What is Sudarshan Kriya Sudarshan Kriya is a rhythmic breathing...

The footprints of Rama across the world
Through the ages and civilizations, Rama and Ayodhya have not only been popular for the people of India but have...

Bhramari Pranayama - Humming Bee Breathing
This simple breathing technique can help free the mind of stress and anxiety.

What is Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
A quick, calming tool that will show results in a few minutes.

What is Ujjayi Pranayama, benefits, & how to practice
“Ujjayi” (pronounced oo-jai) comes from the Sanskrit prefix "ud"...

Win over bad breath with yoga and pranayama
Is bad breath the culprit behind your low confidence, poor social...

Deep Breathing For Stress Relief –Types, Benefits, and Uses
Did you know that all the physical exercises, yoga, tai chi and...

Once upon a time when India had 25% of world trade
Amazing facts about India From 1 CE all the way through the next two millennia up to 1700 CE, all the large scale...

Breathing Techniques
Breathing Techniques How long can you live without food - for some days? How long can you live without the breath...

KapalBhati: Benefits of Kapalbhati & Steps to do
Kapal = forehead; bhati = shining; Kapal Bhati assumes significance...

Bhastrika Pranayama - How to do Bhastrika and Its Benefits
Bhastrika Pranayama When we do any physical exercise our body...

How Adishesha’s five heads & Ksheer Sagara have a deep cosmic significance
Amazing facts about India Narayana is always depicted in a reclining...