Growing with the crops in sunshine and rain
A single mother empowering farmers in impoverished areas of West Bengal When I was a kid, I spent most of my time...
A yogi in Bahrain
Looked on by a thousand pairs of eyes, my body sped against time to perform 100 sun salutations (Surya Namaskar)...
Forgiving my father's killers
It was a Sunday. March 27, 1988. It was a lovely afternoon, my...
An eye specialist’s endeavor in educating farmers to adopt Natural Farming
A farmer does not grow crops. A farmer creates an environment...
Sewing dreams of hope
He drinks and beats me, accusing me of illegitimate relationships....
When policemen become yoga men
Relieving the stress of those in uniform with the power of yoga My mentor once suggested that I conduct a yoga...
Uncovering joy in the streets of Sonagachi
How one couple is bringing joy in the streets of Sonagachi When we first visited Sonagachi, people there thought...
How to really build a green movement
After 10 years of a fast-paced corporate life, I realized that...
Imagining life outside prison with menstrual education
Bringing better menstrual health and stirring hope for a life...
A high of a different kind
Once an addict, he is now taking hundreds of youth out of addictions...
Helping people on the road to de-addiction
The tribulations and joys of working in a de-addiction center...
How volunteering has changed my life?
Some of the best things in the world have resulted from people's movements where ordinary people volunteer for...
When five young people chose a calling over convention
All of us come at a crossroads in life at some point or the other. That is when the tussle between the head and...
The Art of bringing hope and freedom in prisons
Aruna Sareen’s great service in reforming the prison inmates...
How to work in rural development: 10 lessons of a feisty volunteer
Amrita Ray Chaudhary, an entrepreneur, and professor serves me...
Serving milk from heaven
The journey of ex-corporate employees, Pradeep and Swetha in...