A Wonder Called Taru
“Hey, you’re in the 6th grade and you still herd goats?” asked her friend mockingly. “Yes, I still herd goats....
Her Lesson From Failure
My dad did a lot of good work for the village, but the Maoists didn’t think so, they thought otherwise. He was...
The Journey from War to Peace
This is the story of and around Sushanto Singh's life, which...
His Story of Salvation
"Hello Sir, there are these people roaming around in our village,...
The Breath Is Mightier Than The Pen
Spirituality is ultimately a journey from the head to the heart and there are few cases as compelling as Rajaque...
The Birth of a Spiritual Mukhiya
Burudi, like most of the villages in interior Jharkhand existed between the currents of Naxalism and alcohol, the...
Suniti Damani: Women’s 9-ball National Champion Conquering Dreams with a Calm Mind
Suniti Damani, the new women’s 9-ball national champion 2011...