Living Well Non Residential Programs
Living Well Non Residential Programs target improvement in overall well being of individuals with chronic diseases through life style management and self management tools. The program is of 25 hrs duration and is typically conducted for 3.5 hrs a day spread over a period of 7 days.These programs help patients manage their chronic condition through self management support techniques taught during the program.
The combination of powerful motivational techniques, in depth knowledge of the cause and psychological effects of the disease along with the Pranayamas (breathing techniques) and Sudarshan Kriya (a powerful rhythmic breathing technique) is what makes this program effective and unique. Patients are motivated to change their lifestyle and are equipped to face the social and psychological challenges faced by them. The program also incorporates basic principles of healthy living, emphasizing on the essential human values for more fulfilling and productive life.
Non-Residential programs are conducted in all major cities across the country.
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