Sahasra Veena Jhenkara, Bangalore
(The Art of Living and Ranjini Kalakendra hosted a historic event, titled Sahasra Veena Jhenkara, which showcased 1110 Veena artistes on one platform in a first-of-its-kind concert. It was held at Palace Grounds, Bengaluru on March 28, 2012, the concert took place in the presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual leader, humanitarian and founder of The Art of Living.)

The Veena is the most ancient musical instrument known to mankind. Even to this day, it resonates; it kindles harmony and it unites the spirit.
Today we have 1110 Veena artistes with us, playing in one symphony. This is a feat by itself. The Veena has twenty-four frets, just like the vertebrae in our spine (twenty four vertebrae). It is akin to our human physiology, and when the strings resonate, it touches the heart and uplifts the spirit.
Music is part of every human being. When you are happy, music is very natural; you naturally sing. When you are unhappy, then also music is good because it soothens your heart, heals your emotions and uplifts you. So whether you are happy or unhappy, you cannot get away from music. Music is very meditative and the Veena produces such a meditative music. From sound to silence is the journey of spirituality.
It is said, ‘Shabda brahmani nishnatha param brahmadigachchati’.
If we have to go from Shabda Brahma to Param Brahma, we need to worship Naada Brahma. Everybody needs to implement this in their lives. If we listen to music for a short while, it takes us towards the Divinity, the pure consciousness. Music, especially classical music has this ability.
Veena is the most ancient musical instrument in the world and even today it carries the same magic it had since a long time.
We have 1110 eminent Veena artistes with us today. Many renowned (Veena) Gurus have come here with their disciples and they are going to get us mesmerized into the music.
(The event followed with Veena performances by the artists. Towards the end, Guruji congratulated and felicitated the artistes and encouraged them to organize a bigger event with 3000 artistes.)