Nagpur, Maharashtra: Under the ‘Swachch Bharat Abhiyan,’ the Art of Living volunteers of Nagpur got together to clean the Sakkardara Lake, a popular tourist attraction. The lake was built in the 18th century, during the reign of Bhosla, in present-day eastern Nagpur. Currently, the lake wears a dirty look and is clogged with polythene and other wastes. Though flanked by a beautiful garden, the lake is losing its charm because of the accumulating dirt, waste and debris, says Navin Khanolkar, an Art of Living teacher and regional coordinator.
The Art of Living volunteers gathered on November 18 and started cleaning the lake as early as 6:00 am. The work continued for six long hours, and MLA Sudhakar Kohli and Municipal Counselor Sanjay Mahakalkar also joined the campaign. Volunteers cleaned the lake while echoing slogans like, “Clean Nagpur, Beautiful Nagpur, Healthy Nagpur” and “Be clean, be healthy.”
MLA Sudhakar Kohli appreciated the volunteer team and encouraged them to continue doing such good work in the future. The locals welcomed the initiative and an NGO named ‘All is Well’ joined hands with The Art of Living volunteers to make the campaign a success.
Nagpur regional teacher and coordinator Navin Khanolkar, Chandu Galgilkar, Manish Kotewar, Avinash Talamale and Rajashri Dhote also took part in the cleaning project.