
Chant ‘Gayatri Mantra’ to overcome negativity: Sri Sri

20th of Nov 2017

The three-day ‘Antarang Varta’ in presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar concluded

Sri Sri Mahavidyalaya imparting moral education will be started in city

The ‘Gayatri mantra’ is one of the greatest prayers mankind has. Just by recitation of ‘Gayatri Mantra’, each person could get rid of miseries at all levels, said Spiritual Guru and Founder of Art of Living, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the concluding day of ‘Antarang Varta’ at Divisional Sports Complex Indoor Stadium on Sunday.

Gurudev explained, “Ga Ya Tri assures a person to overcome misery. There are three types of misery. Human has three bodies, the gross body, the subtle body and the casual body. Misery is present in all three levels. The human life has to cross-over all the three, and that is what ‘Gayatri’ means. One who sings it, sails over the ocean of misery to go to bliss.”

Discussing the benefit of chanting of the mantra, Gurudev mentioned, “Mantra is a akshar. Akshar means something that cannot be destroyed. Kshar means destruction. Akshar means that which cannot be destroyed. Like a seed, we sow, is never destroyed, it takes different forms and exists in space. This is the reason, chanting of Mantra which is a spiritual equation of Akshar develops vibrations. These vibrations destroy negative energy. It helps a person to develop mental power, inner strength and courage to fight with all odds.”

“Gayatri Mantra starts with ‘Omkar’ which is seed mantra. ‘Omkar’ is common in all religions whether it is Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism Zoroastrianism or Sikhism. ‘Tat Savitur Varinyam’ means let me soak in the Divine, and let the Divine destroy all my sins. The Divine light that burns all sin, let me adore and soak in that Divine light. And let the Divinity inspire my intellect,” he added.

Gurudev elaborated, “Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi means; May all our sins be burnt and destroyed. And so we pray to that Divine Power and Supreme Consciousness which is present everywhere to dispel and destroy all our sins, and guide and inspire our intellect on the path of righteousness. Actions of every human being are the reflections of his own thoughts. By chanting ‘Gayatri Mantra’, a person prays to the Divine to bring good thoughts into his mind. He prays to the Divine, ‘Take over my intellect. Inspire my intellect’; dhiyo yonah prachodayat. Dhi means intellect. May my intellect be guided by, kindled by, and inspired by you (Divinity). When right thoughts come, your action will always be right. When intuitive thoughts come, your actions will be fruitful. So praying for the best thought. Let my mind, my whole life energy be soaked in Divinity. That is the significance of Gayatri Mantra.”

“Gayatri means to go beyond; to transcend the three gunas. That is why we pray (through the chant of the Gayatri) – Let this intellect be guided and inspired by something which is beyond the intellect the Divinity,” he said.

Gurudev answered different questions came from the audience and satisfied them. 
A spell of meditation with Gurudev was fully enjoyed by the dignitaries like Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Nitin Gadkari; Rajya Sabha MP Ajay Sancheti; Commissioner of Police Dr K Venkatesham, Ashish Deshmukh and others.


Courtesy: The Hitavada