
Letting go


The following knowledge sheet is part of the new edition of ‘An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker’ which includes new edits and wisdom pieces by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. You can pre-order your copy today.


Letting go

Attaining higher states of consciousness does not require any complicated strategy; one just needs to learn to let go.

Usually, we tend to let go of pleasant emotions and hold on to the unpleasant ones. But when the consciousness becomes free and cultured through meditation, this tendency of holding onto one’s negative emotions is the first thing to disappear. We start living in the moment.

As your consciousness opens and the whole system gets physically, mentally, and spiritually elevated, your life becomes worth living.

Little things will cease to bother you. Every up and down that comes your way makes this recurrent play of life more interesting. The truth that every moment is supportive and complementary to your growth starts dawning on you.



✍News Flash:

Gurudev spoke at the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the United Nations on October 22nd. He said,

"Spiritual education is needed to uncover the knowledge that we are, first, a part of the Divine, and second, as human beings."

"In this age, even when technology has advanced so far, we have cared very little for the emotional and spiritual needs of people. Neither at home nor in schools have we been taught how to release negative emotions. Either we regret the past and worry about the future or we get stuck in negativity."

"A stress-free mind and disease-free body are the birthrights of every human being. Only true spiritual knowledge can help us handle our mind and bring it back to the present moment."

"Breathing techniques, meditation, and yoga can be used as powerful tools to release tensions and negative emotions, enabling one to live more fully in the present moment."


Pre-order your copy of 'An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker'.


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