
Can a single page
give you peace?



It sounds like a tall order. I’m in the midst of a critical deadline, struggling with a sense of self-worth and trying to do it with a smile. The music inside of me is rambling on and on. How do you expect me to find peace? And that too with only a few words? Not today. 


Today is the day you need it the most. To anchor yourself amidst the storm. To push through the chaos and ensure you’re being your best in relationships, at work and for yourself. There are many ways to do it. A simplest way is to simply change your perspective. And that too in two minutes. 


An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker is a self-help book with hundreds of topics. Yet, every topic is elucidated from the wise heart of a Master, covering just a page or even less. But enough to find you peace and a resolution to a problem that you are facing.


Why should you read it?

A 2-min daily dose of inspiration

2 minutes - that is the maximum time required for you to find inspiration amidst a sea of deadlines and a running clock. A knowledge sheet (Gurudev’s words on a topic) in the book requires only 2 minutes for a reading. So you can start/end your day with a knowledge sheet or read it any time of the day.


Tend to the root of your problem

Every life problem begins first in the mind. A negative emotion: fear, anger and so on could be holding you back from your ideal life. This book has knowledge sheets on each of these topics. Speaking on every emotion and the ways of the mind, you will be armed with new perspectives that can help you deal with your problems better.


‘Insights on everything that troubles my mind’

“I found that this book has simple solutions and insights on every topic that troubles my mind. It brings solace and peace as the knowledge shared on every topic is explained in a simple and profound manner.”


‘Clarity at a time of downfall’

“I tried reading almost all self-help books that I could come across, hoping that I'll find answers. Fascinated about humans, I tried my hand at Psychology. But I got only incomplete answers. I used to be confused most of the time as I lacked clarity about life. At a point in life I became very sad and depressed.


This book gave me clarity on various subjects. It gave me answers for most of my questions and for the rest, it helped me to find answers. Above all, it made me a much better individual - much happier and now I am able to handle everything around me with poise. I hope every single person on this earth will get this knowledge.”

Find peace with a page of wisdom

In this busy busy world, finding solutions to your problems can be tough. But what if you could find peace with just a page? This book gives that chance. It is a life manual built to touch your heart.


‘Insights on everything that troubles my mind’

“I found that this book has simple solutions and insights on every topic that troubles my mind. It brings solace and peace as the knowledge shared on every topic is explained in a simple and profound manner.”


Words from an inspiring figure

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a global humanitarian and spiritual leader who has helped mediate national and international conflicts, helped rehabilitate militants and transformed millions across the world. The book can give you insight into the mindset that has led to these phenomenal developments.

A treasure’

“One of my most treasured books. In fact, I got interested in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar only after reading a random page from this book in a book shop. The knowledge was about respect. Here's a small excerpt of it - "When you respect someone, it only shows your own magnanimity. However many people you do not respect in the world, that much less is your wealth. Wise is the one who respects everyone." That made me buy the book and the next thing I know, he was my Guru.”


How did it all begin?

Since June 1995, people around the world eagerly awaited knowledge notes from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar each week. It started out as a simple note from the Master, often in an informal and intimate Satsang, in response to questions posed by seekers and devotees. Later, devotees began to add a weekly 'News flash' to carry the fragrance of the events surrounding Gurudev on his extensive travels. 

Amidst much celebration, laughter and light-heartedness, deep words of wisdom emerged. People from various countries assisted Gurudev with transcribing, translating and transmitting these Weekly Knowledge sheets around the world. The first edition of this book was a compilation of these very knowledge sheets, recorded between June 1995 to 2002.

In 2020, Gurudev reviewed the knowledge sheets comprehensively. 


Pre-order the special edition of An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker today.


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