For me, being in the company of children is to experience a meditative state of mind. Children live in the present moment as they have no preconceived notions of how life ought to be. While watching the little ones play, your mind comes to stillness. “Watching children play is a form of meditation!”
Children & Teens Programs are specially designed online meditation & breath programs for children & teens. Find a program for your children as per their age.
Utkarsha Yoga 8+ up to 13 years
Medha Yoga 13+ up to 18 years
Prajñā Yoga 5+ up to 18 years
These quotes on children by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will make you see children from a broader perspective and how you can learn many things from them.
“Enthusiasm is a wealth that is in abundance in childhood.”
When you spend time with children, your tiredness vanishes away as children are the joy of one’s life. Their waves of happiness uplift your energy. Wisdom is to protect the child-like enthusiasm as they mature.
“Emotion is at the core of every child.”
A child is born with emotions. That is why a child screams, yells, hugs, laughs and loves you.
“Children embody all we cherish: innocence, forgiveness, friendliness, joy, caring & sharing, creativity & unconditional love.”
The human values that parents admire are the intrinsic components of childhood. Parents need to nurture values to prevent weakening as they grow into adults.
“Parents and children need to focus on SAS (Studies, Arts and Sports) for wholesome education.”
There is a lack of wholesome education if your children are not simultaneously focusing on studies, arts and sports. Children need to have a multidimensional approach for holistic development.
“Children are the best to break your boundaries.”
If you are an orderly person, they will make you chaotic. Your children might teach you what the others may fail. Therefore, it is necessary to learn from them.
“Children are attractive because they are in a state of love.”
Children allow love to radiate without the blocks of stress, jealousy, greed, anger, lust, arrogance and delusion. They may be from any country but are fresh as flowers as their minds are crystal clear and hearts are full of innocence.
“Parents should become like children again - free, uninhibited and natural.”
If parents stay like this, children will catch on to them and not lose their innocence as they mature.
“Happy children do well in studies and life.”
Happiness increases the level of dopamine and serotonin in children’s brains. These make them feel good in their lives and improve their learning ability and memory.
“If every child knows a little about the wisdom from the different cultures, the world would be a happier and nicer place.”
It will enhance acceptance, belongingness and reverence for diverse cultures. It will bring collective strength to children and benefit all of humanity.
“A child loves both mother and father equally.”
Depending upon a child’s gender, age and situation, expressions of love for their mother and father may differ temporarily. Parents need not worry about it. Essentially a child loves both of them equally.
“Introduce spirituality to children and also help them discover their own inner wisdom.”
Learn sitar before playing it. But alaap, taanam or raagam is creativity. It develops as you play with the instrument. Similarly, teaching spirituality is essential for children to build their own experiences.
Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s wisdom talks
Written by: Pratibha Sharma
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Reference link
Find the quote “Children embody all we cherish...” on Twitter.
“Children are attractive...” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Facebook.
Gurudev is on Twitter shares, “Enthusiasm is a wealth...”
“Parents should...” The last line of the Facebook link.
“If every child knows a little...” taken from the Twitter link
“Why your child does not listen to you?” is a video by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about modern-day parenting.