Everyone has experienced intuition at some time or another in their life. Either they recognize it as the sixth sense or just name it as ‘by chance’ or ‘incidentally’.
On one of the return journeys from my nephew's place, I had a waiting ticket. My nephew suggested I don’t travel that day to avoid hassles due to the unreserved ticket. But my commitments persuaded me, and I had to decide fast. I could not find the Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) at the station.
Something was persuading within that help shall reach me. There's no need to cancel the trip. Finally, I decided to board the train. I bought a platform ticket as evidence that I boarded the train from Bangalore. I planned to search for the TTE on the train.
Through this discussion, a co-passenger with a kid offered me her berth. She said, “ I had to take a full ticket for my daughter, as she is 12 years old. However, she will sleep with me due to her sudden illness. You can sleep on her berth. TTE will not object to this.” On hearing this, I and my nephew shared a smile. Help finally came to me. I didn’t have to go looking for it.
As you can see, although I listened to my intuition, I paid attention to the alternatives and had enough information and experience about the reservation rules on railways.
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A right thought at the right time!
Neha Sanghrajka, the mother of a 15-year-old son, shares how her son saved himself from the accident on the basis of intuitive decision-making.
Help your children and teens unlock their sixth sense with Prajñā Yoga - Intuition Process. It involves simple exercises and meditation to enhance intuitive abilities in children.
Advantages of intuitive decision-making
Intuition improves focus. Children improve grades, mothers become better multitaskers, and fathers at work make better quality and quick decisions.
Improves the ability to perceive beyond the five senses.
It makes you creative.
It motivates you to learn.
It makes you a problem solver.
Intuitive decisions innovate new avenues.
Intuition improves the effectiveness of decision-making in complex, tense and unfamiliar situations.
It identifies your dreams and equates them with personal values and goals.
Sometimes the rational mind trusts incomplete patterns. Whereas, an intuitive mind reaches the space of creativity and new ideas.
It helps with awareness of intuitive signals towards success and failure.
Intuitive decision-making benefits in case there is a lack of information for thorough analysis. With a lack of information, analytical decision-making is not possible. Here, intuitive decisions are made by combining your inner wisdom with the knowledge of systematic and scientific data.
It takes care of your value system or passions.
Your positive feelings about the intuitive decision motivate you to implement it with enthusiasm.
Intuition acts as a warning signal. You might not notice some risks even after rationally analyzing the situations.
It gives access to wisdom.
Disadvantages of intuitive decision-making
- You might mistake a short-term emotional bias for intuition.
Although you made an intuitive decision but didn’t consider the alternatives, you might miss a better option.
The lack of observance leads to a constricted vision of the problem.
Your prejudices might influence your intuitive ability. It will culminate in poor decision-making. For instance, your preference for a particular race or community might misguide you into not choosing the best vendor.
As intuition is personal, it is difficult to convince others involved in decision-making that your intuition is not a fake signal. Also, people have different intuitive viewpoints.
The team members who are not in favor of intuitive decisions might feel left out and undervalued, especially those who analyzed facts for you.
Over-reliance on intuition alone for complex decisions like product mix decisions might be dangerous.
Being good at intuitive decision-making in one area of expertise may lead to over-confidence. It results in a wrong intuitive decision in other inexperienced areas.
Meditation develops your intuition
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has emphasized the value of meditation in developing intuition. Click here.
“Quietening the mind gives a sense of intuition, brings the mind to the present moment, brings balance.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Meditation helps to quieten the mind. Sharp intuition is the outcome of meditation. Unlock intuitive skills and enhance peace of mind with the Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga, the world’s most effortless meditation program.
Related links
10 Signs you should follow your intuition
What is Intuition? Why is it important?
Unclear mind with lots of likes and dislikes, ifs and buts prevent the dawning of intuition on you.
- Meditate and practice breathing exercises to be free from cravings, aversions and distortions. It strengthens intuition.
- Nourish your creativity by engaging in activities like dance, painting, poetry, etc.
- Spirituality is an integral part of any intuitive journey. Spend time in prayer, contemplation, and communing with nature.
Yes, intuition is not only based on our experiences but also on people around us, knowledge, risk-taking ability and emotional intelligence.