22 popular animal yoga poses and their benefits for men, women & children
The earliest interactions of human beings have been with nature and the living creatures in it – the birds and...

12 basic principles of good parenting
While parenting my kid, I always remember that I was also a kid once upon a time. My parents had a broad understanding...

How to raise compassionate kids by cultivating their intuition
“Don’t worry Rajan. I will help you with that math problem.”...

Unlocking the power of intuition: Nurturing your child's inner wisdom
My nephew, Sahaj, had an impeccable gut feeling about a guest...

How to raise compassionate kids by cultivating their intuition
“Don’t worry Rajan. I will help you with that math problem.”...

How to raise happy kids?
When you are raising a child, you are in a way raising a parent within you. If you are successful in raising yourself...

10 things you should avoid saying to your kids
‘Oh No!’ ‘NO’ ‘Nahi’ ‘Na’ ‘Don’t’ ‘I won't’. If these familiar words are happening to you, in and around your...

In 5 words or less, what makes a good parent
We all have a checklist for the things we consider essential....

5 common mistakes parents make (& how to stop making them)
If you are a parent, you will acknowledge that few people get...

Tips for Dads – (Part 2 – Children between years 2 to 4)
This is continued from Being A Single Father ... After two years,...

Tips for Dads – (Part 3 – Children of age 5 years and above)
This is continued from Extending Your Family… So, in Natasha’s early childhood, she has had a lot of "quality time"...

17 ways to make your child a smart communicator
Pratibha Sharma | Posted on: 21st of Jun 2022 “When you were away, your kid greeted me well and gave me a warm welcome”, my neighbour shared. I was on top of...

How can yelling hurt your child's mental health? And ways to replace yelling | The Art of Living India
Parents may have to yell when their child is in a dangerous situation...

Tips to make your kids more independent
With independence comes responsibility. As your tiny tot grows,...

Does strict parenting lead to a rebellious child?
Research on rebellious children Over 60% of young children agreed...