“When you were away, your kid greeted me well and gave me a warm welcome”, my neighbour shared. I was on top of the world to hear praise for my son. As a parent, we expect our children to be respectful and wise in communication. Isn't it?
But sometimes, our children’s words embarrass us. “Uncle, this is your fourth laddoo! You are turning into a hulk!”, my younger kid exclaimed in wonder to my 😡 boss.
Interested to learn Intuition Process
How effective is your communication with your child which is vital for your kid to develop appropriate communication skills?
A child starts communicating at an early age of six months. But that doesn’t immediately make them wise communicators. Skills need to be polished right from the beginning so that they talk correctly at the right time to the right person using appropriate words.
13-year-old Meera says, “Before the Medha Yoga Program, I would shy away from my classmates. I would not talk to them without any reason. I have become more confident after the program. Now, I can deliver a speech in my school assembly without hesitation.”
How to improve communication between parent and child? How can you help your child be an able communicator?
These seventeen ways can make your child effective in communication.
Make communication a fun time!
Here are some other ways of communication that can improve grammar, voice modulation, speech clarity, coordination of mind and speech, body language and diction, which will make your kids smart at school.
Storytime - My son got inspired to read books once I introduced him to storytelling at night.
Miming & puppets.
Explain - At the end of the day, each one in the family should narrate the highlights of their day. .
Train kids for oration - Participate in a school debate, elocution, impromptu speech and drama.
Quizzes - My friend's 6-year-old son became interested & created simple quizzes.
Video calling - Talking to grandparents and cousins is an attraction for children.
Artistic way - Encouraging kids to play a musical instrument, dance, sing, draw, and paint are ways to express themselves without speaking.
Question with curiosity.
Children & Teens Programs are specially designed online meditation & breath programs for children & teens. Find a program for your children as per their age. Utkarsha Yoga 8+ up to 13 years Medha Yoga 13+ up to 18 years Prajñā Yoga 5+ up to 18 years |
Children with respectful & wise communication don’t have a tough time understanding their lessons. The mental stress in children can diminish with powerful and witty conversations.
Based on inputs from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Written by: Pratibha Sharma
Reference links
Importance of communication skills for children
Related links
Learn ten steps to improve communication skills, particularly at work and in personal relationships.
“How to skilfully steer a conversation?” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
- Activate children’s brain cells with puzzles, chess, building blocks and Nine Men’s Morris.
- Meditate with children for a restful mind.
- Develop their curiosity and intuitive abilities with Prajñā Yoga - The Intuition Process.
- Talk to your children with full attention. Don’t dilute it with the interruption of calls.
- Praise the praise-worthy behavior of your child amidst family members.
- Without being sarcastic, support them to correct their mistakes.
- Talk to your child from the space of love rather than ego.
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