We all have a checklist for the things we consider essential. For instance, you may not be familiar with baking a cake. But you want to bake a cake for your daughter's birthday. Then, you will have a checklist of ingredients and tick ✔️ them once they are ready in the kitchen. Isn’t it?
From the smallest to the biggest tasks, checklists guide you to not forget anything. Why not create one for parenting? This way, you will not forget important things to take care of for your kids and shall timely accomplish them. Parenting is among the most challenging responsibilities for children. But it can be fulfilled with ease and joy too.
Won’t it be nice to follow a checklist of good parenting tips for your bundle 😃 of joy - your newborn, that guides you in the right direction?
There are five words around which parenting revolves.
Self-care, Understand, Guide, Nurture, Motivate
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar speaks on “Parenting”.
Five skills that make a good parent
Manage stress in yourself, your spouse and in the family.
Offer support to other parents.
Request for and accept help from others when needed.
Identify personal and parenting strengths.
Identify the intention in setting child-rearing goals.
Cooperate with your child-rearing partners.
Manage family resources.
Learn from your children. Don’t always be in teaching mode. Observe and understand your children and their development.
Observe how children influence and respond to what happens around them.
Model proper desired behavior.
Inculcate in children, trust in themselves, society and divinity.
Provide children with appropriate opportunities to take responsibility.
Convey moral values underlying basic human decency.
Teach problem-solving skills.
Monitor children’s activities and facilitate their contact with peers and adults.
If children are very positive towards their friends, give them a little caution, not too much. If they are hostile towards some friends, then point out the positive aspects of that friend and what they can learn from such friends. Push them to the center to prevent them from leaning on either side.
Encourage them to take up service projects.
Express affection and compassion.
Foster children’s self-respect and hope.
Listen and attend to children’s feelings and ideas.
Teach kindness.
Provide your children with nutrition, shelter, clothing, health, and safety needs.
Celebrate life with your children.
Help children feel connected to family history and cultural heritage.
Teach children about themselves, others, and the world around them.
Stimulate curiosity, imagination, and the search for knowledge.
Create conditions for better learning.
Help children process and manage information.
Parents who participated in the Know Your Child or the Know your Teen workshop by The Art of Living show signs of good parenting skills.
See what Shilpa has to share, “Know Your Teen was a wonderful session. Quite informative with brilliant ideas. I feel great to be a part of it. And will wait for such sessions in the future as well.”
Related Links
“How to be A Good Parent” Here are ten tips by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
on parenting.
“5 common mistakes parents make (& how to stop making them)” While there is no one correct way to raise children, there is also no harm in looking for ideas on how to improve and raise warm, confident, and resilient human beings.
FAQs on Parenting
From toddlers to teenagers, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar provides solutions to most parental concerns on the page Parenting Queries.
- How to deal with my child asking too many questions?
- How do I deal with the rebelliousness of my kids?
- How to cope with children’s expectations when they compare themselves with others and demand the things that others have?
- Sometimes dealing with kids gets so tricky that I tend to lose my patience. What should I do?
- How do I know if my child is into drugs or just moody?
- There is so much competition in society that kids have no time to relax. How do we handle this situation?
- Children don’t care about their parents when they grow up. Where do we fail as parents?
#1 Observe your child’s tendencies and analyze their direction.
#2 Be sensitive.
#3 Avoid arguments in front of your children.
#4 Encourage them to share.
#5 Give them a dream and help them walk towards it.
#6 Engage your children in social service.
#7 Give your children a holistic education.
#8 Protect your child’s trust.
#9 Encourage your children to interact with all age groups.
#10 Instil a sense of balance and spirituality in your child.
These are the five vital questions parents should ask themselves: (Read more on How to correct them?)
- Do you shield your children from the ugly side of life: failure, depression, and misery?
- Are you a helicopter parent, constantly hovering around your kids?
- Are you comparing your kid with kids?
- Are you treating your children as adults and friends?
- Do you schedule all your activities around your child’s classes? Do all your child’s desires matter more than yours?