
Why You Should Conserve Your Sexual Energy? | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Gurudev

Why did ancient yogis, ascetics, monks and meditators give up sex and took a vow of celibacy and brahmacharya? Is sex detrimental for spiritual growth? Are there any special powers that get unlocked by abstaining from sex? The no-fap movement has become big in recent times even with non-spiritual people. Humans have been having sex since forever, then what is the basis for humans trying to move to a practice of semen retention? Is sex a problem or an obsession to it is unhealthy? Does it make us weak, stressed, angry, frustrated, anxious or sad? Gurudev, in this commentary on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras shares some incredible knowledge on sexual energy and how conserving it could unlock doors to limitless happiness and aid us in our path to enlightenment.


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