
This June 21st, make
a promise to yoga

It is a living entity whose existence is much like the existence of a genie.
It appears magically out of thin air upon a call, to help and caress me when I need it.
It sways me in its lap like a mother until my worries dissolve into oblivion.
It is someone who has calmed me down when even my human friends have failed.
Someone who has walked me through my good and bad days.

I’m someone who appreciates people and things. Every father’s and mother’s day, I thank my dad and mom for being so amazing. It makes sense: to thank the people who have done so much for you. One night, I was making a list of things I’m grateful for...and it struck me. I’ve missed out.

I completely forgot my trainer. My trainer for happiness, peace, staying fit and young. Revitalizer, peacemaker, best friend...no, I’m not speaking about a picture-perfect friend or counselor. My secret is yoga.

Tweak your lifestyle for better health

To lose myself in yogic twists, only to find myself again in the midst of a calming ujjai. To carry the energy, and positivity of yoga even when I’ve long rolled up the mat. I decided I had to show some love and make a promise to yoga, my absolute bestie. And I wasn’t the only one.

We, at The Art of Living, have decided to thank our ancient friend with some special promises. Here are a few of these:

‘Promise to become a fabulous mother’

Mansi Dharmaraj, an expecting mother, attributes yoga for staying calm despite the prenatal hormonal imbalances. She wants to tap the power of yoga to become a calm and a skillful mother. “I promise to yoga that I will use it to become a fabulous mother,” she says.

‘Promise to be grateful’

Feeling grateful changes the quality of your mind. Abhilasha Dafria, an entrepreneur, acknowledges the many reasons to be grateful for - your health, your family, the fact that you can do yoga and experience its bliss. “I promise to yoga that I will count my blessings even when times are bad,” says Dafria.

‘Promise to see people without judgments’

Maria del Carmen Correa, who has been practicing yoga for seven years, had a realization: that judgments are a result of concepts. She wants her yoga practice to make her free from concepts and judgments. “Being judgmental makes me distant from people. It deters me from being innocent like a child – a quality which is the mark of a true yogi. This International Yoga Day, I promise to yoga that I will accept people the way they are.”

‘Promise to make a difference in people’s lives’

Anjesh Thakur, a social media manager, is inspired with the power yoga holds to transform people’s lives. Like a true fan, she wants to do exactly what yoga does. “I want to uplift and make people happy,” she beams.

‘Promise to always be together’

At the age of 6, Divya Sachdeva found a lifelong best friend in yoga. Whenever she has felt low, she has looked for a silent corner in her house; only to spread the yoga mat and meet her best buddy. Nothing has deterred her yoga routine: neither late nights with friends nor the craving to browse Netflix and Facebook. “Yoga for always,” promises Divya.

'Promise to do it for the next 40 days'

Pandurang, an executive accountant, who recently learned yoga and loved it to the core wants to establish a strong yoga routine. For that, he promises that he will do it every morning for the next forty days.

'Promise to spread the bliss of yoga'

Narender Wamburkar, a yoga teacher resolves to spread the knowledge of yoga far and wide.

‘Promise to forgive’

Khuspinder Kaur, a yoga teacher, loves yoga and uses it to maintain her calm in situations that are not in her favor. “I promise to yoga to be happy, to forgive and to let go,” she smiles.

It’s time for me to confess my promise as well!  

Life is a mix of the good, bad and ugly. My mind often sways towards dejection because of the bad and ugly. And towards excitement because of the good. Yoga is the skill to stay calm and happy amidst all of life’s variety. I promise to yoga that I will stay happy, no matter what!

Written by Vanditaa Kothari

This International Yoga Day, what do you want to promise to yoga? Share with us using the hashtag #IPromiseToYoga on Twitter, on Instagram, and on Facebook.

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