Peace Projects: Trauma Relief
Breathe for trauma relief
The Art of Living’s stress-elimination breathing techniques have helped people release the past and move on with hope and peace of mind. Mental healing compliments material aid, leading to holistic rehabilitation.
Ending the Trauma of Violence
After war and terror attacks, the mind suffers from trauma caused by violence – of family and friends lost, homes destroyed and culture disrupted. Although crucial, material aid, alone, does not satisfy the victims’ need for care and aid. Their minds need attention and love after such traumatic events. The Art of Living trauma care workshops help people rebound and be free from the deep impressions of shock and sorrow left by conflict, enabling participants to release the past and move on with hope and peace of mind. They also assist those trapped outside a conflict to handle their frustration, preparing them to enter into relief work with a calm mind, strength, and resolve.
Ethnic conflict, Sri Lanka (2005 to present)
Rebuilding Iraq
Antidote to the virus of terror

Healing Breath Flows Through Kyrgyzstan
Love In The Time of Insurrection

Violence lingers, yet love conquers

Towards A Fresh Breath of Life

A Space of Higher Living