Which aspect of Shiva do you live up to?Are you his awareness, benevolence or righteousness?Nandi, the bullNandi or Shiva’s bull symbolises righteousness and truthfulness. You like to stand for the truth and pursue the path of righteousness at all costs. Celebrate Lord Shiva. Join online celebrations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.Vasuki, Shiva's snakeVasuki, the snake around Shiva’s neck symbolises alertness. You are a deeply aware person and you use your alertness to your advantage in difficult situations to understand, analyze, and find solutions. Celebrate Lord Shiva. Join online celebrations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.Neelkantha, the benefactorLord Shiva becomes Neelkantha when he patiently drinks the poison from samudra manthan, turning his throat blue. Neelkantha represents the compassion and benevolence of Lord Shiva. You are a deeply compassionate person who puts others before yourself. Celebrate Lord Shiva. Join online celebrations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.Your friend is experiencing a meltdown and needs an ear but you are in the middle of work. What do you do?Everyone in your team at work is stressed because they are lagging behind targets. What do you do?You just witnessed a road accident. What do you do? You had a terrible day. What do you do when you go back home?You are caught in a heated argument between two people close to you. What do you do? Shiva1 Culture1 Festivals of India1