
Say Yes to YES!

119 high-school students from ITL, Dwarka, recently got their first exposure to the YES! Course. Initially the benefits of spirituality for the young was not obvious to the teachers, students or parents. The common belief that spirituality is only when you are 60+ and have nothing else to do, seemed to be the dominant mind-set. However, a youthful enthusiastic group of volunteers from the Art ofLliving, by their own example, created a paradigm shift in their thinking and this shift was reinforced totally as the students completed the course and shared their experiences.

Students who showed maximum resistance in the beginning were the first ones to share their experiences after the course. One of them even went on to suggest that the school should make the course compulsory for each and every student eligible to sign up for it. Another one confessed his plan to create trouble for the organizers at the beginning of the course, but his change in attitude marked the success of the Sudarshan Kriya. The management of the school is amazed by the results and is planning to organize another course for seventh, eighth and ninth graders, allowing the seed planted by Param Poojya Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji to grow and expand to greater dimensions.