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How yoga helped me during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has become a major cause of stress in my small, beautiful world. Lack of proper sleep and a stressful life had led to a weakened immune system and vulnerability to sickness. Due to the global lockdown, my employment and economic clim ... -
Yoga in the pandemic
YOGA is the complete blossoming of the human being to the ultimate and realization of the Self. It is also referred to as the 'UNION' of the JIVATMA with the PARMATMA. The path leading to this realisation may be tedious and tough, needing discip ... -
Covid-19 was the best thing to happen to me
The mind felt no fear of death. Sri Sri Yoga and Sudarshan Kriya have unearthed authentic joy. How did yoga help you in the pandemic? Firstly, at the physical level, it helped me get my oxygen up. I was struggling with oxygen saturation levels at around ... -
Yoga healed me from severe Covid-19
From being in the ICU to surprising doctors with a quick recovery I developed a fever on the 20th of June 2020 and tested positive for Covid-19. After three days of self-treatment, I started getting treated by general practitioners, however my condition d ... -
8 ways to take care of the mental health of your children during the pandemic
Is the behavior of your child or teen worrying you as the pandemic extends? Are they becoming angry, frustrated, difficult, aggressive, lonely, depressed, or just unlike themselves? The mental health of children and teens has caught the world's atten ... -
Simple lifestyle hacks for mild Covid symptoms
Experiencing mild symptoms of Covid-19? If yes, along with consulting your doctor, there are a few kitchen remedies and lifestyle hacks that can help you. According to the director of AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), Dr. Randeep Guleria, m ... -
11 self-care tips for medical professionals' well-being during the pandemic
The medical fraternity is going through its worst test ever amidst the pandemic. How can we help doctors, nurses, students, and all the medical staff involved in treating Covid patients at this terrible time? How can they look after themselves? “Last year ... -
Covid-19 & I: A survivor's guide to help mental health, hope & strength
Everyone has found their outlet- be it talking with friends, watching a comedy, learning a skill- it is hard to ignore the pandemic news. The journey towards healing will be different and take its course for each one of us. However these simple concepts ... -
6 simple ways to boost your Emotional Intelligence skills
We hear a lot about the importance of Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) especially in these pandemic times when Covid-19 has ensured that the whole world is locked up inside their houses. The absence of physical interactions has made ...