NCDs a threat to human health and development today
“We spend half our health to earn wealth, and spend half our wealth to earn back the health.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
As India develops, it is also witnessing a growing threat from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which are a heterogeneous group of medical conditions that by definition are non-infectious and non-transmissible. Genetic or lifestyle factors such as improper nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption are some causative factors. Cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, obesity and chronic respiratory diseases represent 80% of non-communicable disorders. Most people don’t even realize they have NCD’s which are costly in terms of both human suffering and economics for any country.
Researchers and policy makers globally are now recognizing NCDs as a health and developmental emergency. Currently, NCDs kill 36-million people a year and expected to rise by 17–24% within the next decade.
According to WHO, out of every 10 deaths 6 are due to non-communicable conditions; 3 to communicable, reproductive or nutritional conditions; and 1 to injuries. In 2008 alone, NCDs caused 63% of deaths worldwide. This number will go up considerably in the near future unless we take adequate measures NOW! Present trends in developing economies indicate that by 2020, 7 out of every 10-death will be due to NCDs killing a whopping 52-million worldwide by 2030.
Unless we take a proper action these diseases are going to be a Global Burden to the economy - through limitations in daily activities, loss in productivity and loss of days of work. India is already the “Diabetes Capital” of the world. It is also the “Cancer Capital & Cardio Vascular Diseases Capital”.
To address this emerging threat across the globe, The Art of Living organization has initiated Living Well Programs to address the present health crisis through a holistic prevention and wellbeing program to stay physically and mentally fit.
The Art of Living Center for Prevention of Diseases and Promotion of Health
21st Km, Udaypura, Kanakpura Main Road,
Bangalore – 560082
Phone: +91 9739094453 and +91 7795850885
Email: livingwellprogram@vvki.net
Helpline to be included.