You say that youth should be in politics, but most of the youth don’t have the funds to participate in elections.
I will appeal to the Prime Minister that something should be done so that poor people can participate in politics without having to spend so much money. In fact, there are already laws that prevent use of money in elections. But it is not just the rules and regulations, it is the awareness that we need to create among the people. We have to go door to door to tell people, do not take money when you are being asked to vote for someone.
There is competition, if one gives a Rs.1000 then the other party will also give Rs.1500. Those who go the other way say, "I don’t want to go and vote". That’s a really pathetic state. On one side law, on another side, mass awareness needs to be created. We need to create mass awareness in villages, and awaken people in every village not to take money and sell your vote.