There is a sequence to that question asking, what you think about the march in Paris, where 3 million French people marched together.
That is good. An awakening has happened. On the same day and the very same time, 3 million people in Mumbai, India and from all over the world meditated and chanted. We called it Chant For Peace.
Satyam Param Dhimahi. Let my mind be so peaceful and soaked into the transcendental truth.
Thoughts come from the mind. When the mind gets soaked into the infinite energy, the source of the creation, the thoughts that come ought to be noble.
At the same time, I would say something more. There was so much coverage of the 3 million people marching in France when 12 people were killed. A day before that, 2000 people were massacred in Africa by Bokoharam. There was very little coverage of that incident. I would say that this is not justice for those lives. All the world leaders should take notice that 2000 people were killed by people of the same ideology.